Database integrity


Fatal Error adding folder to watch list Unexpected error while adding folder /Volumes/SSD 4TB the watch list

Couldn’t read database nor update it either.

Solution hat to put all files in a sub direction, delete database and let it scan all over again, great many hour’s of correcting metadata up in smoke.

[10.14.6 Beta (18G48f)]

You may have a damaged database.
This can happen if you launch simultaneously a previous Audirvana Plus 3 or 2.6 version, and the new Audirvana 3.5.

Can you check the database integrity using the command in the Maintenance section of the preferences page?

If it fails, then you may want to restore from a backup, or delete the file AudirvanaPlusDatabaseV2.sqlite to restart from scratch.
It is located in ~/Library/Application Support/Audirvana
To access ~/Library with the Finder, you can use its Go menu while pressing the option (or alt) key. This reveals the Library command in this Go menu.

Special Warning : When you delete the file AudirvanaPlusDatabaseV2.sqlite, you will lose all the Playlists you created in Audirvana. However, you can back-up all those Playlists by exporting them before deleting the database file.