Démarrage difficile

I am new to Audirvana Origin…and I encounter several difficulties:

The progress bar remains empty (the blue line is absent) (displays only 0:00 as elapsed time and -mn:s as remaining time which do not change during playback).

The songs in the playlist do not always play after each other and when they follow each other, they do not turn in blue as they go through the list, so it is not known which title is playing.

When I click on a cover in the library to see the titles contained, all the titles on the disc are added to the playlist. How to make CD titles appear without putting them in a playlist?

The history does not retain all the last songs played.

Despite a very long waiting time at each start to synchronize the music, the latest CDs added are not necessarily present in the library!

Windows cursor is way too sensitive to move up/down playlists/contents on a disc.

My library is stored on a music server (SSD of an Aurender W20SE on local network), and I output on a Trinnov Altitude 16 DAC. Audirvana runs on a PC notebook (HP Spectre i5 6200 on Windows 10/64, mem 8Go)

Thank you for your answers.

Bonjour @streetplane,

Pouvez-vous nous envoyer une copie de votre “Debug Info” lorsque vous avez ce problème? Vous le trouverez dans les paramètres d’Audirvana>Mon compte

Remarque: En cliquant sur le bouton Debug Info, Audirvana copie automatiquement tout son contenu, il ne vous reste plus qu’à le coller en réponse de ce message.