Dirac plugin and UPnP not working

I am using a trial version of Audirvana Studio as I want to use the Dirac plugin to send to an Sonore optical Rendu via uPnP. However I cannot get it to work. The music is played but the Dirac plugin has no effect.

I have tried on Windows and Mac both with the same result.

If I connect the PC/Mac directly to the DAC by USB the Dirac plugin does work.

I have also tried sending the output to HQPlayer embedded on a separate computer via uPnP and that is the same. The music is played but the Dirac plugin does not work.

I have looked on this forum and noticed people had similar problems and resolved it by enabling ‘Do not use RAW PCM’ and/or adding upsampling. Neither of these help.

Has anyone managed to get the Dirac plugin to work when sending the output to a UPnP device? I have just downloaded all of the latest updates, so I cannot solve it with a software update

Other than that it works nicely. Thanks from a frustrated potential user.

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I have done a bit more searching and it looks like the same problem that @Alexandros_Petrakis is having. If it is, will the feature be added soon? My trial ends soon and I don’t want to subscribe if I cannot use Dirac and UPnP as it is the main reason for trying Audirvana.

No answer……

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Hi @Alexandros_Petrakis and @Chris101,

It’s something we will add in the software but we can’t tell you when it will be ready as we focused on last.fm integration for the 2.1. I guarantee you it’s on our list but you will need to wait a bit and when it will be available, you will see it in the change log of the app.

@Chris101 have you checked lately the audio plugin.
Does it work?
Mine isn’t still.

@Alexandros_Petrakis No it still doesn’t work

From my understanding Audirvana supports uPnP and VST3 plugins, but not both at the same time! I don’t know if they will add this feature but I will probably buy a Roon lifetime subscription instead before it goes up at the end of the year.

The ability to use Dirac as a plugin was one of the advantages that Audirvana has over Roon, but since its doesn’t work with uPnP its of no use to me

there is a new update today 2.2.2 might help


  • UPnP: strengthened device detection mechanism


  • UPnP: strengthened device detection mechanism
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Just installed 2.2.2 and still no joy

I made also a free subscription to Roon.
It’s amazing how fast it is over upnp.
Night and day.
With Audirvāna and Mac mini it takes about 9 to 11 seconds to play the song from the time I choose it.
With Roon that works immediately.
Also the remote on iOS is night and day.

I already stated on this feature here :point_up_2: and until you don’t see it in the change log, it won’t change :wink:

Thanks Antoine, we will try and be a bit more patient. :grinning:

I am using a very similar setup to you. Mac mini m1 to Sonore optical rendu by upnp > chord Dave. I have not experienced any delay with Audirvana, it is instant just like Roon. Not sure why you are experiencing a 10 second delay.

I guess it’s my streamer.
I have ifi’s streamer.
While in Roon it’s very responsive, in Audirvāna when I use upnp it’s so slow I have to wait about 10 sec. to start a song I clic.

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