Discounted first year subscription to Studio for Audirvana users

Will the reduced rate for the first year subscription for Audirvana users be extended past July 31? Please?

Change the name of the thread.
The discount is not only for A3.5 users, but for all Audirvana users.

Re discounted subscriptions for Audirvana users

Per the FAQ,

“As a member of the Audirvāna Community, you are granted a privilege access to Studio Āccess, available only until the 31st of August 2021.

Note the date.

Thank you for reminding.



The discount is still available but likely will not be available for long.

Are you serious?
I thought that discount was over, and completely removed AS from my boot drive.

I checked. The discount is still available today.

Audirvana removed the acknowledgement about the discount from the header of the page of the forum. So nobody knew that the discount is still available.
Those who are interested should hurry to subscribe.

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It will be also nice if Audirvana offers a discount to students, as Apple Music does, and to retired people, as the cinema theaters in France do. And to unemployed persons who have plenty of time to listen to music.

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Pensioners Discount is a great idea …, I am certified VERY old

South African national parks give 40% at selected times in selected parks when the kids are in school to keep the numbers up :blush:

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It should be €10 yearly discount to previous Audirvana users + €5 discount if they are forum members + €5 discount if they participated in the beta testing of AS in May and June + 20% extra discount if they are students, pensioners or unemployed. :grinning:

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Damien just needs to make it freeware (again) and get a regular job next to it. That’s not so much to ask. :wink:

Audirvana is a luxury product. It is not necessary for anyone. You get the music from various other sources and there are plenty of alternatives to listen to music. Both hardware and software are available on the market. If you think it’s too expensive, don’t buy it. If Audirvana makes too little turnover, they will have to reconsider the strategy.

Or is that too simplistic?


Hopefully, they will reconsider it and sale a license of the player. Many will buy it, because most people hate subscriptions.

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How’s that?
I bought Audirvana Plus years ago for an amount that I don’t remember exactly, but it was probably something like €70.
The player still serves me with an old MacBook Pro that runs under El Capitain in “Direct mode”. The sound is excellent. I set it in my bedroom with a DAC and headphones. This configuration can remain useful even for the next 10 years to come.

If I had to pay a subscription for this app all these years and for its usage in the future, it would have cost me hundreds and hundreds of euros. Probably twice a Roon’s lifetime.

Subscription is a bad deal for the customer, except for services he needs like cellular package, internet package, etc…


In this case, I would agree with you, but no one will rent you for $1 a product that costs $1 million.

I gave you a specific example why subscription is not a good deal. Give me a real example, not a phantasm, in which renting pays in the long run.

Here is a real example:

Sorry, I can’t read this article without subscribing to the WSJ.

There’s no doubt that it will be costing the users more to subscribe to AS than what it cost before to buy perpetual licenses for major releases.

You can look at it as an investment into Audirvana’s future on the marketplace. It’s a product we all like after all. They need to keep justifying our commitment to it by delivering solid product.

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Subscribe, what’s the problem. :wink: