Do i have a beta release?


I recently upgraded from 3.5 to Audirvana Studio…

Since then, I’ve had bugs that I didn’t have before:

  1. My iPad doesn’t “find” Audirvana, not before 2-3 attempts
  2. The iOS app crashes regularly, I’m on an iPad with an updated iOS
  3. When I want to “like” a track using the remote control, it starts playing again.
  4. I often get the pop-up at the bottom of the screen “Query error”.

Is it in beta?

AS current version is 2.8.1
Are you on Studio or Origin?

I’m talking about AS.

Hi @Nemrod,

All of those things are related to the Remote app, not Audirvāna Studio.

Are you using the 2.8.1 version?

I do have the latest one, yes.

Which iPad and OS version do you have on your iPad? We may already have fixed the crash by our developer.

Ipad 2019 @ 17.4.1

I sent you a PM to try a beta version of the Remote :wink:

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