DSD native Playback not working on Yamaha RX-A1030

I need help, I searched a lot, and tried a lot… but didn’t succeed.

Running Audirvana on OSX, tried connection to receiver with Toslink (MacMini optical out) and HDMI.
Playback of DSF file with DSD128 (Stereo) doesn’t playback in DSD128.

Receiver supports DSD, but audirvana says: DSD not supported.

Enclosed screenshot during playback:

And my debug infos:
Audirvana Mac Version 3.5.38 (3568)
macOS 10.13.6 with 16384MB RAM


Polarity Inversion:
	Globally: OFF
	Per track: ON
Effects plugins NOT ACTIVE

SoX not in use
SoX filter parameters
Bandwidth at 0dB = 99.5
Filter max length = 30000
Anti-aliasing = 100
Phase = 66

Max allowed volume: 100
Replay Gain: None
SW volume control: OFF

Sync list: 3 folders
iTunes/Music library synchronization: not synchronized
Library database path: /Users/kopi/Library/Application Support/Audirvana/AudirvanaPlusDatabaseV2.sqlite


=================== AUDIO DEVICE ========================

CoreAudio audio path, buffer I/O frame size: 512

Max. memory for audio buffers: 13312MB

Local Audio Engine:
Exclusive access: Enabled
Integer mode: Enabled

Preferred device:
Model UID:AppleHDA:108

Active Sample Rate: 44.1kHz
Hog Mode is off

Bridge settings:
Sample rate limitation: none
Sample rate switching latency: none
Limit bitdepth to 24bit: OFF
Mute during sample rate change: OFF

Selected device:
Local audio device
ID 0x27 Ausgang (integriert) Manufacturer:Apple Inc.
Model UID:AppleHDA:108 UID:AppleHDAEngineOutput:1B,0,1,2:0

7 available sample rates up to 192000Hz
Audio buffer frame size : 14 to 4096 frames
Current I/O buffer frame size : 512
Volume Control
Physical: No
Virtual: No
MQA capability
Auto-detect MQA devices: No
Not a MQA device, user set to not MQA
DSD capability: Unhandled
Device audio channels
Preferred stereo channels L:1 R:2
Channel bitmap: Ox3, layout:
Channel 0 mapped to 0
Channel 1 mapped to 1

Audio channels in use
Number of channels: 2
Use as stereo device only: Yes
Simple stereo device: Yes

1 output streams:
Number of active channels: 2, in 1 stream(s)
Channel #0 :Stream 0 channel 0
Channel #1 :Stream 0 channel 1

Stream ID 0x28 2 channels starting at 1
7 virtual formats:
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 192kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 176.4kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 96kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 88.2kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 48kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 44.1kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 32 little endian Signed Float 32kHz

21 physical formats
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer aligned low in 32bit 192kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer aligned low in 32bit 176.4kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer aligned low in 32bit 96kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer aligned low in 32bit 88.2kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer aligned low in 32bit 48kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer aligned low in 32bit 44.1kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer aligned low in 32bit 32kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 20 little endian Signed Integer aligned low in 32bit 192kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 20 little endian Signed Integer aligned low in 32bit 176.4kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 20 little endian Signed Integer aligned low in 32bit 96kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 20 little endian Signed Integer aligned low in 32bit 88.2kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 20 little endian Signed Integer aligned low in 32bit 48kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 20 little endian Signed Integer aligned low in 32bit 44.1kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 20 little endian Signed Integer aligned low in 32bit 32kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 192kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 176.4kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 96kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 88.2kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 48kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 44.1kHz
2 ch Mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 32kHz

Local devices found : 2
Device #0: ID 0x27 Ausgang (integriert) Manufacturer: Apple Inc. Model UID: AppleHDA:108 UID: AppleHDAEngineOutput:1B,0,1,2:0
Device #1: ID 0x32 HDMI Manufacturer: Apple Inc. Model UID: AppleHDA:108 UID: AppleHDAEngineOutputDP:3,0,1,1:0:{A865-3190-00000000}

UPnP devices found : 2
Device #0: ID 0x0 RX-A1030 UID: uuid:5f9ec1b3-ed59-1900-4530-00a0dea15d99 Location:
Device #1: ID 0x0 [TV] LonniTV UID: uuid:28543d46-0bb6-474c-939b-b554830b87c8 Location:


Thank for help and/or guiding to correct settings…
If you need more logfiles… please let me know.

Maybe someone else will help you, but did you try with usb cable, not sure about optical or hdmi…

As far as I know Toslink does not support DSD.

Cannot connect with USB, receiver doesn’t have USB input.

As I wasn’t sure about that, I also tried HDMI, which should support as far as I found out…

According to various sources DSD through HDMI is almost never possible either:



I must admit I also saw some sources about very few receivers capable of playing DSD trough HDMI (one specific Marantz receiver I believe). Also some high end receivers and stereo (pre amps) can play DSD through an I2S connection (which looks like HDMI but is not). But most receivers don’t.

Even if your Yamaha receiver is capable of playing DSD trough HDMI: most computers can not output DSD through HDMI, only through USB.

I am sorry if I am the bearer of bad news but I think Audirvana is not the problem here.

I downloaded the manual of the Yamaha and it is indeed capable of playing DSD through HDMI:

But I still see in a lot of forums that DSD through HDMI from a pc or mac is a problem.


I think you are stuck between a rock and a hard place here :wink: USB is the only way on most computers to play DSD, and your receiver does not have a usb input…

Hi AndyLubke,

thank you for your great help and explanations, I appreciate very much.
And of course that’s a little “sad”.

Seems like I need a new receiver :slight_smile:

It’s because of my pioneer bdp-170, I have connected via hdmi to my receiver - for dsd sacd playback, and it’s working - I was hoping that it should work and that I probably missed some necessary setting…

But you described, players work, but Macs & PCs probably not.

In this case I probably stay with pcm 24bit 96 kHz on digitizing my vinyl records.

Probably you do not need a complete new receiver. Nothing wrong with your Yamaha. You can simply buy an external (DSD capable) USB DAC. Nowadays you can buy good external DACs for around 100-150 euro’s.

  • Connect the usb input of that DAC to the usb of your computer.
  • Connect the analog (rca) output of that DAC to an analog input on your Yamaha receiver.
  • Select that DAC in Audirvana
  • Now you can play DSD.

The above solution is of course only for 2 channel music.
I don’t know if that is a solution for you, but it is much cheaper than buying a whole new receiver!

I have same problem. My Marantz AV7706 stated in specification that it’s HDMI support DSD but Audirvana not detect AV7706 as DSD compatible via HDMI.

On Mac of Windows?

Could you share the Debug info?

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