Error code 0x80070057

Windows 11
Audirvana Studio update from v1.3.0 to v1.5.5.0 failed with error code 0x80070057

"We made a change due to Microsoft security policy for Audirvana Studio Windows 10 version. This then means you will need to do a couple of things to get the update.

IMPORTANT: Before uninstalling Studio, you need to copy your AudirvanaDatabase.sqlite file that you can find at this location:

C:\Users[your login]\AppData\Local\Packages\Audirvana.Audirvana-[… id number that can vary]\LocalCache\Local\Audirvana\Audirvana

To show AppData folder:

Copy and save it in a different folder BEFORE uninstalling Studio (It’s mandatory to not lose the analysis of your tracks)

You then need to uninstall Studio from your computer (right-click on the icon in start menu and select Uninstall)

And then install the latest version using the link Download - Audirvana

After doing this, open Studio one time and close it. Then go to the same location as before:

C:\Users[your login]\AppData\Local\Packages\Audirvana.Audirvana-[… id number that can vary]\LocalCache\Local\Audirvana\Audirvana

Replace the AudirvanaDatabase.sqlite file."


Audirvana Studio is a very good program and an entertaining quest :slight_smile: