Errors not being reported to the remote

Dear all,
Some notes about a problem I experienced using remote on my iPad. It does not popup all the time but it’s really annoying as I have to go back to my office room and open a session on the Mac Mini to fix the problem.
I noticed that when some errors occur when starting to play a track, they are not reported at all on the iPad, so you do not know why the music does not start.
Among those errors, here are the most frequent one: SysOptimizer (It rarely happens but at least one time per month or “cannot load” when a folder suddenly becomes not connected. Both errors require at least a complete restart of Studio, and even a full restart to get rid of the SysOptimizer bug.

That would be nice if those minor problems could be solved in a future release of Studio.

Together also with the possibility to edit tags, and to open the configuration tab while keeping the possibility to return to the album you were looking at.

Hi @patifr,

We are aware and plan to work on this in the future update of the Remote we are working on.

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Many thanks!

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