Ethernet Connection

Hi, I have a 2015 iMac which is my music server. It has both iTunes and other music (mostly FLAC) on the hard disk. I stream this music to a Yamaha Network Receiver (R-N602), which is a combined preamp, amp, streamer & DAC.

The streaming works well when I have WIFI on, the Audirvana app picks up the Yamaha device and streams through what the Yamaha calls the server function. The music sounds nice and apart from some inconsistent connection issues (at times) it seems to work well.

However, when I try and connect through ethernet cable the Audirvana app does not bring the Yamaha device up in the Audirvana device menu. Just wondering if this is a known issue or if it is something with my setup?

Thanks in advance, Mark Organ.

Dear all, issue solved. Sounds basic but I put the IP Address into the browser, this brought up a window and I changed the connection from Wireless to Wired. Presto, the device appears under Ethernet devices in Audirvana.

One question: Have users got a view on whether wireless or wired connections produce better sound quality?

Thanks in advance, Mark Organ