Exclusive Access = Loss of Quality?


I want to use Audirvana with Airfoil, so to stream to my low resolution Airplay rooms throughout the house. To do this I need to have “Exclusive Access” turned off.

Will this have any repercussions in the playback quality of my main music system?


Not by much. You’re unlikely to notice it especially since you’ll use AirPlay through Airfoil.

Hello Richard,
I use Audirvana with Airfoil and have Exclusive Access turned ON and have no problems ?
I also give AV Extreme Access to my computer to get as much as I can out of the limits of the
Apple Airplay protocol. 16bit/44.1Khz.(CD quality)
The Airtunes/play devices are 2 x Airport Express and 1 x Apple TV2 (this upscales to 48Khz but is no problem as it links via optical direct into my DAC).