Expired! I don't understand this

I have just download the Audirvana app on my mini pc which I use for music playback and only music
It is telling me ‘The trial period has expired’ and yet I have received an email on my laptop welcoming me to a free 30 day trial. What can I do to continue getting started with the app on my mini pc?

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Did you trial Audirvana before?

Never, this is the very first time I have downloaded Audirvana, It would never have been suitable for me before, but now I use a mini pc for music only I thought I would give it a go

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I have sent two emails to support@audirvana.com and have not received a reply. Does anyone know how to contact Audirvana, or are they unobtainable. If that is the case I don’t see why I would want to pay money to people who do not care for their customers. I can promise I have not downloaded anything before, I only visited the site for the first time 2 weeks ago, and then I did some more research before coming back to down load the app.


The experience is that there is a quick response. The launch for Audirvana Studio is planned for this weekend. It could be that reaction times are somewhat longer as a result.

Be glad you waited to buy! Now you can go look for a new vendor (with everyone else) since the subscription model was just unveiled!

Still no reply from from the anyone. i will try email one more time

At this point it’s pointless. Just wait until Sunday and download the new version.

If you really want perpetual license for 3.5 just buy it. If it doesn’t work for you, request a refund or transform it into subscription with the new version.

Are you saying there will be a new trial starting on Sunday. For me this is anightmare, i control mini PC with 7"touché Reem. It is too small to type anything

Yes, exactly that. It will require an account with username and password.