Exported playlists, all the songs have changed

First off, running Audirvana 3.5.50 on macOS 12.7.6
Due to multiple “ghost” albums (albums which are empty, but I cannot delete using audirvana), sometimes I need to remove the monitored folder and re-add it. Prior to doing this, I exported all my playlists to a separate folder.

I assumed this step worked, and then proceeded to remove then re-add the monitored folder. When I reimported the playlists, the songs within the playlist were different from what they were before! When I checked the exported m3u, I see that the songs in there are different from the songs in the playlist I exported!

My question is, I have a time machine backup prior to me exporting those playlistsl Where are those playlists stored in Audirvana so I can find them in my time machine backup? I don’t want to replace the database entirely with that of the backup as many changes have taken place since then.

I’d really like to be able to get those playlists back (they were curated playlists of symphonies I’ve attended for the past 5 years!). I also want to get rid of those ghost albums that I cannot seem to delete. (I deleted the actual folders, re-scan, tried all the database management options, tried deleting from within audirvana (nothing happens), etc…)

They are in the database .sqlite fille.

Close Audirvāna.
Remove your current database .sqlite file and put it elsewhere for the moment.
Put the Time Machine .sqlite file in the same place on your mac.
Restart Mac, open Audirvāna.
Export your playlists. Close Audirvāna.
Put back your .sqlite file that was put elsewhere before.
Restart Mac. Open Audirvāna.
Remove your playlist. Close Audirvāna
Open Audirvāna. Re-Add the exported playlists to Audirvāna.
If all good, close Audirvāna.
Copy the .sqlite file somewhere as a good backup.
Open Audirvāna, enjoy back your Music :grinning:

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Amazing! Thank you RunHomeSlow!
I was able to do just that! (I think I was making things more complicated for myself!)

Would you happen to know a better way of doing this to avoid those ghost albums? I’m not sure why I’m getting them. Example I added 4 albums yesterday, and when I search in Audirvana, I see 6 albums (2 are duplicates but empty, and I cannot delete them)

Since you exported your playlists, you should delete the .sqlite file and start it again to Remove the ghost files (best Audirvāna bug).

Remove your music folder in the preferences of Audirvāna. Close Audirvāna.
Remove the .sqlite file from the folder.
Restart Mac, open Audirvāna, add a music folder, wait… when sync es re-add your playlists. If all good close again and SAVE that perfect database as a today backup, don’t be shy to backup often, ghosts can come back :grinning: we need a voodoo guy for that :grinning:

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After all that, I deleted everything and restarting from scratch, and the darn ghost albums are still there (deleted the database and restarted).
This is always such a pain with Audirvana. I want to add 1 album, and I end up having to delete a database and start from scratch and redo all my playlists. I literally spend hours after adding just an album. I wish there was a better way!

you should not have ghost files after starting from new… when you restart with no .sqlite and add a music folder, let it sync, then after that close audirvana… save that file… reopen audirvana there will not be ghosts…

maybe it is when you import back your playlists that ghosts reappear?

try to click one of your playlist…
put the file location tab on the tracks view
me i have to folder… music 1 and music 2

click to file location tab to sort by location,
click it again to reverse file location sorting to see if you have now…
before your real folder path… those a greyed ghost files usually, not playable
select all those and delete them with delete on your keyboard or right click them and delete

then go in Audirvana software main menu bar and go to trash folder…
there, permentaly delete those files

Interestingly enough, I’ve never been able to sort by any of the tabs (artist, album, or file location). Clicking on the tab doesn’t change the sort order for some reason.

Regarding those ghosts, I think it ended up being 2 albums that had .ape and .cue files, I think that audirvana saw it twice and created an empty album.

For the time being, I’ve backed up everything and crossing my fingers it doesn’t happen again with the next album I add!

Thank you so much for your input, it’s much appreciated :smiley:

Audirvana has difficulties with .cue files in a folder… if your tracks are already separated, just removed the .cue files from the folder, you don’t need it anymore… if you want to keep it, put it somewhere else or .zip it and trash the original from the CD folder :slight_smile:

Maybe Audirvana doesn’t like .ape files? i only have flac
You can convert those 2 albums with XLD on Mac, it is free
Convert them to flac…

that i would be concern with, if happened to me…
maybe you have corrupted preferences? clicking on any tab anywhere in any view should work, you can also shorten tab and or stretch them, deplace them to the order you want… on a mac at least

Apple hide the Home Folder in User Library at some time depending on OS System… When you have clicked your Home Folder, and cannot see the Library Folder in there, just do a ‘‘cmd J’’ to show the folder settings preferences and see at the bottom… click Show Library Folder and then you’ll have access to the rest forever.

Close Audirvana.

Go to User… Home Folder… Library… Preferences…
trash com.audirvana.Audirvana-Plus.plist in that folder
(that is Audirvana software preferences, back them up or not).

this will reset every preferences you have made in the software,
so look at them before trashing it if you are not sure :slight_smile:


I actually did use XLD to just separate the individual FLAC files.
Other albums that were already in FLAC also didn’t seem to get picked up by Audirvana , but using XLD and converting them to FLAC (flac to flac) seemed to work as well. It’s finicky the library management of Audirvana.

Regarding sorting, I’ve never been able to use the sort feature for any of the tabs. Artist, song title, etc. Not sure why, but over the course of using Audirvana for a couple of years now, I’ve trashed the preferences several times for various reasons, and it’s never worked.

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