Fast forward not working

Good morning, everyone,
I’m taking my first steps in this audio world and I’m using Audrivana Studio on macOS Monterey. My receiver is a Denon DRA800-H.
I am satisfied overall but frustrated that the fastforward (or backward) function does not work when Output is through the Denon. If it is through the Mac speakers it works without problems.
Any tips on how to fix it?

Have you tried connecting it via USB?

No. For the time being I am connected trough Wifi using UPNP. What you mean is connect the Macbook to DRA using USB?

Yes. This a well known issue with Denon receivers and UPnP.

Thanks @bitracer . So, unfortunately I have to live with this.

Do you know if there is any Denon plans to fix it?

Unfortunately yes, you’ll have to live with it it for now, but you never know. Denon might release a new firmware release that fixes this or Audirvana might implement a workaround at some point in the future.

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