Feature Request - Source Indicator (like A+ Remote app)


Would it be possible to add an indicator in Audirvana to show what source the current track being played is coming from?
For example, on the A+ Remote app, it shows a little Tidal or Qobuz logo down in the bottom left when coming from those sources.

This would be GREAT to add to Audirvana… so many times, I just have no idea where a song is coming from as I’ve forgotten where I selected it from.

Also, could we please have it built into the UI that if you do a search, when the results come up and you click on a selection, if you hit the back button, it takes you back to the previous search results page?

Every time you search, and select something, if you want to see the search results again, you have to type it in again instead of simply hitting “back”

Anyway - keep up the good work. Loving 3.5 so far.

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