Free trial coming to an end

So having received an email stating that my free trial is now coming to an end, am I to understand that I’m now expected to subscribe to Studio, irrespective of the bugs that are apparently rife in the software, coupled with the lack of a remote that some users (including me) find essential?
I certainly feel that this isn’t software I can commit to in it’s present state. After a day and a half my files are STILL being analysed!
I’d suggest Damien rethinks his strategy of locking existing users out, or expect an extremely low take-up rate with regard to subscriptions.


I have received that e-mail too. It states "Another Week-end to enjoy your time limited Free Trial!’. If you received the same mail it does not mean what you make of it. It simply states that there is another weekend to enjoy and that the free trial soon will be over. In my case it will be over the 16th of june.

‘Soon will be over’ is a relative term and they simply want to entice you to subscribe.


Well, $64.99 for a yearly subscription, that’s £45.77 at my bank.
Yet, Audirvana offer the same yearly subscription at £65 for the UK.
That is 44% above the US price.
Please excuse my capitalisation, but there are times when one has to spell it as it is:


65USD is 78CAD here in Canada.

They want 107CAD for Studio. 37% above US.

Thanks… I guess

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What happened to the $50 price for the first year for 3.5 owners?

Just checking the subscription page, the preferred price for the 1st year is applied.
Although as some are saying already, USD 50 is not CAD 74.99. But it is a discount from CAD 106.99.

Yep. Marketing and math don’t mix apparently.

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I do not see the discounted price of $50. It is only offering me the price of $69.99.

Do you have a high rate of VAT in Canada?
Or do you pay customs duties for imported software?

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Not really.
Our VAT is never included in the list price and added at checkout.
Various provinces have different rates from 5% to 13%-ish

Never saw any duties levied on software.

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So it must be the exchange rate. Audirvana probably makes an additional profit on the exchange rate.

Yeah it’s annoying to say the least.

Your VAT rate is lower than in France. In France it stands at 20%.
So the software should have been cheaper in Canada.

Try to buy it with a VPN. :slight_smile:


I’ve paid 39.98€ today for annual sub.

Haha. He has the country registered in the user account. I didn’t see a way to change the country.

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