Gapless play - Pioneer Elite SC-97 - MacPro 5.1 -Strange!

I tried connecting the MacPro 5.1; OS 10.14 (Mojave) directly through LAN to receiver.
A search of Pioneer Elite SC-97 on Google will show many product pages that proudly mention Gapless play.
However, upon reading the manual on Network play it clearly states on page 83 under Playback with NETWORK features; About playable file formats:
-Gapless playback is not possible when the format is being transcoded by the server.
-Gapless playback is not possible in the DMR mode.
When streaming from Audirvana directly to receiver through LAN Cat6 cable, the receiver goes into DMR mode, as it shows on reveiver LCD, and Gapless play does not work.
HOWEVER…if using the same connection and sending the same music using iTunes, the music plays Gapless. I have used ALAC on iTunes and FLAC on Audirvana. No transcoding is happening. The music example used is Bartok’s The Wooden Prince and the noticeable gap vs gapless happens clearly between track 1 and track 2. and futher tracks.
Now why is iTunes able to play the same file through the same connection to the same receiver gapless while Audirvana cannot do it???

Hello @aricastudio, when you were using iTunes, did you used Airplay?

No, airplay was not used. I have the MacPro connected directly using the second LAN port to the receiver.
I also have the MacPro connected to a wireless router and the Internet.
However to make sure that Airplay is not in use I shut down the wireless on the MacPro.
I use a Ethernet switch in between to span the distance with shorter cables instead of using only one long one which I did not have. I can see the light flickering in the switch as it receives and sends data once I start play. So a big NO, no Airplay involved.
My whole effort and goal was exactly to remove the audio bandwidth from the Wireless Router that handles the Internet since other people in the household need the bandwidth for Zoom meetings, etc.
I was very disappointed when, eventually, while playing some of my Classical music I noticed hic-cups in the music, which I found out was lack of gapless play on certain albums. While this is a rare occurrence, it is annoying and undesirable and a short coming of technology, which is otherwise very advanced.
Thanks Damian

When you turn off WiFi does not mean the protocol ‘AirPlay’ is not used.

Can you send me a copy of the “Debug Info”? You can get it in Audirvana Settings>General>Debug Info

Note: By clicking on the Debug Info button, Audirvana automatically copies all its content, all you have to do is paste it in response to this message

Thanks for this clarification.
I was not aware that the protocol was also able to send music through the Ethernet.
In response to other things stated in your post. Wireless Airplay is not possible if the receiver is not connected through LAN to the wireless router, as in my case. In my scenario only Airplay over LAN is possible, so not from iPad or iPhone.
I can also send audio from a Macbook pro connected to Receiver through HDMI, but this is not possible from the Macpro, which has all the H Drives with the music. Etc…
The Airplay Protocol then is playing (pushing) music oveer LAN to Receiver and making it disregard its own DMR restriction (“no gapless in DMR mode”) in essence making the Receiver act in Media Server mode, (as if pulling music from Network devices) in which “gapless play is possible”, according to Pioneer.

Early morning here, will send Debug a bit later,
Merci beacuoup Damian.

Hi Jacob,
I was mistaken in saying the receiver needed to be connected through LAN to Wireless Router to accept wireless Airplay from iPad as I just checked it and iTunes on iPad does see it and plays directly to it
I have not tried doing the same from the Macpro, which is in the basement and further from the receiver. Will have to test that and get even more radio waves cursing through my home, aaaah the modern wireless life.
this could be a solution if I can do Airplay without hogging the Internet Wireless router bandwidth although I much prefer wired connection for reliability.

Debug Info v2 more complete representation

Audirvana Mac Version 3.5.43 (3573)
macOS 10.14.6 with 32768MB RAM

Trial version using demo license


Polarity Inversion:
	Globally: OFF
	Per track: ON
Effects plugins NOT ACTIVE

SoX not in use
SoX filter parameters
Bandwidth at 0dB = 99.5
Filter max length = 30000
Anti-aliasing = 100
Phase = 66

Max allowed volume: 100
Replay Gain: None
SW volume control: OFF

Sync list: 2 folders
AUTO: /Volumes/MUSIC II/Music MP3
AUTO: /Volumes/MUSIC/Music FLAC
iTunes/Music library synchronization: not synchronized
Library database path: /Users/juan/Library/Application Support/Audirvana/AudirvanaPlusDatabaseV2.sqlite


=================== AUDIO DEVICE ========================

Preferred device: Pioneer SC-97 Model UID:PIONEER CORPORATION Pioneer SC-97 UID:uuid:5F9EC1B3-ED59-79BB-4530-745e1c591673

Selected device:
UPnP device at
ID 0x0 Pioneer SC-97 Manufacturer:PIONEER CORPORATION
Model UID:PIONEER CORPORATION Pioneer SC-97 UID:uuid:5F9EC1B3-ED59-79BB-4530-745e1c591673

6 available sample rates up to 192000Hz
Volume control: No
MQA capability
Auto-detect MQA devices: Yes
Not a MQA device, user set to not MQA
DSD capability: Raw DSD (MSB)
Device audio channels
Preferred stereo channels L:0 R:1
Channel bitmap: Ox3, layout:
Channel 0 mapped to 0
Channel 1 mapped to 1
UPnP/DLNA supported protocols:
DLNA 1.5: Yes
Gapless playback: Yes
Missing events workaround: Yes
Can play native DSD: Yes
Number of channels: 2
Use as stereo device only: No

1 output streams:
Number of active channels: 2, in 1 stream(s)
Channel #0 :Stream 0 channel 0
Channel #1 :Stream 0 channel 1

Stream ID 0x0 0 channels starting at 0
14 virtual formats:
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 44.1kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer 44.1kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 88.2kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer 88.2kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 176.4kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer 176.4kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 48kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer 48kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 96kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer 96kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 192kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer 192kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 8 little endian Signed Integer 2822.4kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 8 little endian Signed Integer 5644.8kHz

0 physical formats

Current device transportInfo:
CurrentTransportState: NO_MEDIA_PRESENT
CurrentTransportStatus: OK
CurrentSpeed: 1
Current device MediaInfo:
NrTracks: 0
MediaDuration: 0:07:44
PlayMedium: NETWORK

Current device AVT service description:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 1 0 SetAVTransportURI InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID CurrentURI in AVTransportURI CurrentURIMetaData in AVTransportURIMetaData SetNextAVTransportURI InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID NextURI in NextAVTransportURI NextURIMetaData in NextAVTransportURIMetaData GetMediaInfo InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID NrTracks out NumberOfTracks MediaDuration out CurrentMediaDuration CurrentURI out AVTransportURI CurrentURIMetaData out AVTransportURIMetaData NextURI out NextAVTransportURI NextURIMetaData out NextAVTransportURIMetaData PlayMedium out PlaybackStorageMedium RecordMedium out RecordStorageMedium WriteStatus out RecordMediumWriteStatus GetTransportInfo InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID CurrentTransportState out TransportState CurrentTransportStatus out TransportStatus CurrentSpeed out TransportPlaySpeed GetPositionInfo InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Track out CurrentTrack TrackDuration out CurrentTrackDuration TrackMetaData out CurrentTrackMetaData TrackURI out CurrentTrackURI RelTime out RelativeTimePosition AbsTime out AbsoluteTimePosition RelCount out RelativeCounterPosition AbsCount out AbsoluteCounterPosition GetDeviceCapabilities InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID PlayMedia out PossiblePlaybackStorageMedia RecMedia out PossibleRecordStorageMedia RecQualityModes out PossibleRecordQualityModes GetTransportSettings InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID PlayMode out CurrentPlayMode RecQualityMode out CurrentRecordQualityMode Stop InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Play InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Speed in TransportPlaySpeed Pause InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Seek InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Unit in A_ARG_TYPE_SeekMode Target in A_ARG_TYPE_SeekTarget Next InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Previous InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID SetPlayMode InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID NewPlayMode in CurrentPlayMode GetCurrentTransportActions InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Actions out CurrentTransportActions X_DLNA_GetBytePositionInfo InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID TrackSize out X_DLNA_CurrentTrackSize RelByte out X_DLNA_RelativeBytePosition AbsByte out X_DLNA_AbsoluteBytePosition LastChange string TransportState string STOPPED PLAYING PAUSED_PLAYBACK TRANSITIONING NO_MEDIA_PRESENT TransportStatus string OK ERROR_OCCURRED PlaybackStorageMedium string NETWORK RecordStorageMedium string NOT_IMPLEMENTED PossiblePlaybackStorageMedia string PossibleRecordStorageMedia string CurrentPlayMode string NORMAL NORMAL SHUFFLE REPEAT_ONE REPEAT_ALL TransportPlaySpeed string 1 RecordMediumWriteStatus string NOT_IMPLEMENTED CurrentRecordQualityMode string NOT_IMPLEMENTED PossibleRecordQualityModes string NumberOfTracks ui4 0 1 CurrentTrack ui4 0 1 1 CurrentTrackDuration string CurrentMediaDuration string CurrentTrackMetaData string CurrentTrackURI string AVTransportURI string AVTransportURIMetaData string NextAVTransportURI string NextAVTransportURIMetaData string RelativeTimePosition string AbsoluteTimePosition string RelativeCounterPosition i4 AbsoluteCounterPosition i4 CurrentTransportActions string A_ARG_TYPE_SeekMode string TRACK_NR REL_TIME X_DLNA_REL_BYTE A_ARG_TYPE_SeekTarget string A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID ui4 X_DLNA_RelativeBytePosition string X_DLNA_AbsoluteBytePosition string X_DLNA_CurrentTrackSize string

Current device RootDevice description:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 1 0 1 8102 1 DMR-1.50 MS_DigitalMediaDeviceClass_DMR_V001 MediaDevices VEN_0112&DEV_0006&REV_01 VEN_0033&DEV_000C&REV_01 Multimedia.DMR urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1 Pioneer SC-97 PIONEER CORPORATION Digital Media Client SC-97/CUXJ Digital Media Client uuid:5F9EC1B3-ED59-79BB-4530-745e1c591673 123810928305 urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1 urn:upnp-org:serviceId:RenderingControl /RenderingControl/desc.xml /RenderingControl/ctrl /RenderingControl/evt urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1 urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ConnectionManager /ConnectionManager/desc.xml /ConnectionManager/ctrl /ConnectionManager/evt urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1 urn:upnp-org:serviceId:AVTransport /AVTransport/desc.xml /AVTransport/ctrl /AVTransport/evt

UPnP devices found : 1
Device #0: ID 0x0 Pioneer SC-97 UID: uuid:5F9EC1B3-ED59-79BB-4530-745e1c591673 Location:

CoreAudio audio path, buffer I/O frame size: 0

Max. memory for audio buffers: 29696MB

Local Audio Engine:
Exclusive access: Enabled
Integer mode: Enabled

Local devices found : 3
Device #0: ID 0x3c Built-in Output Manufacturer: Apple Inc. Model UID: AppleHDA:66 UID: AppleHDAEngineOutput:1B,0,1,3:0
Device #1: ID 0x33 Built-in Line Output Manufacturer: Apple Inc. Model UID: AppleHDA:66 UID: AppleHDAEngineOutput:1B,0,1,4:1
Device #2: ID 0x2f Built-in Digital Output Manufacturer: Apple Inc. Model UID: AppleHDA:66 UID: AppleHDAEngineOutput:1B,0,1,5:2

Hi Jacob,
I am able to play music from MacPro to receiver using iTunes and sending it through Wireless Airplay without having the Pioneer SC-97 Ethernet port plugged to Wireless router. I am also able to control iTunes through Apple’s iTunes Remote. Will have to test reliability.
However using this method will mean batch converting the whole FLAC collection to ALAC.
Why use Audirvana then?
I prefer the clean look, the greater control and accessibility to user, the faster update on the Remote app, the ability to play FLAC and more formats than iTunes, the very fact that it is not straight-jacket by Apple and the ability to apply various filters concurrently, like various genres at the same time. I am sure there are other benefits, if I can only get it to play Gapless to receiver. Audirvana does not see the Pioneer directly through Macpro Wireless, like iTunes does.
One solution maybe the Optical to Ethernet - Ethernet to Optical converters, yet the cheaper ones only go to 96kHz sample rate (which maybe plenty). Another would be HDMI to Ethernet if I could only get audio out of the Display ports on the Nvidia Quadro K5000 for Mac card. I am not interested in making Kernel mods and all that it entails. I want to listen to my music collection easily and conveniently. I also do not contemplate Roon, as I profoundly dislike Subscription models and buying it outright is ridiculously priced.
Another maybe that Damian figures this out and finds a way to make Audirvana push music to receiver bypassing the DMR Gapless restriction as the Airplay protocol is able to do.

Just in case this whole post helps others in the future;
Reading more thoroughly the post you shared from Roon Forum about Apple’s Airplay protocol, I learnt that Apple Airplay Wireless or Wired is limited to 16bit 44.1kHz by design.
So yet another big reason to use Audirvana over iTunes.
And sorry Damien3 for misspelling your name.

So iTunes / AirPlay can be gapless but not preferred for several reasons.

The Onkyo supports gapless playback and audirvana uses Wav.

I would expect it to work. Hopefully @Antoine can say something useful about this.

Yep, iTunes and Airplay is gapless, Wireless or Wired, and on some receivers that otherwise would not do Gapless in Digital Render Mode, yet undesirable as you say for several reasons as I stated previously.
Onkyo/Pioneer does support Gapless but not in all instances (not on DMR mode by their manual) and as I have confirmed in my tests.
Audirvana can use .wav and many others, but Wave files are very big have poor metadata capability and are unnecessary in my opinion as FLAC or ALA C produces same results utilizing much less storage real estate and with excellent metadata support.
And I am also hoping Damien3 will come back with some suggestions or updates.

Can you send the debug info while you have a track being played and tracks in the play queue?

Debug Info - playing, 7 tracks on play cue

Audirvana Mac Version 3.5.44 (3574)
macOS 10.14.6 with 32768MB RAM

Trial version using demo license


Polarity Inversion:
	Globally: OFF
	Per track: ON
Effects plugins NOT ACTIVE

SoX not in use
SoX filter parameters
Bandwidth at 0dB = 99.5
Filter max length = 30000
Anti-aliasing = 100
Phase = 66

Max allowed volume: 100
Replay Gain: None
SW volume control: OFF

Sync list: 2 folders
AUTO: /Volumes/MUSIC II/Music MP3
AUTO: /Volumes/MUSIC/Music FLAC
iTunes/Music library synchronization: not synchronized
Library database path: /Users/juan/Library/Application Support/Audirvana/AudirvanaPlusDatabaseV2.sqlite


=================== AUDIO DEVICE ========================

Preferred device: Pioneer SC-97 Model UID:PIONEER CORPORATION Pioneer SC-97 UID:uuid:5F9EC1B3-ED59-79BB-4530-745e1c591673

Currently playing to UPnP device at 24 bits 44.1kHz
Selected device:
UPnP device at
ID 0x0 Pioneer SC-97 Manufacturer:PIONEER CORPORATION
Model UID:PIONEER CORPORATION Pioneer SC-97 UID:uuid:5F9EC1B3-ED59-79BB-4530-745e1c591673

6 available sample rates up to 192000Hz
Volume control: No
MQA capability
Auto-detect MQA devices: Yes
Not a MQA device, user set to not MQA
DSD capability: Raw DSD (MSB)
Device audio channels
Preferred stereo channels L:0 R:1
Channel bitmap: Ox3, layout:
Channel 0 mapped to 0
Channel 1 mapped to 1
UPnP/DLNA supported protocols:
DLNA 1.5: Yes
Gapless playback: Yes
Missing events workaround: No
Can play native DSD: Yes
Number of channels: 2
Use as stereo device only: No

1 output streams:
Number of active channels: 2, in 1 stream(s)
Channel #0 :Stream 0 channel 0
Channel #1 :Stream 0 channel 1

Stream ID 0x0 0 channels starting at 0
14 virtual formats:
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 44.1kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer 44.1kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 88.2kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer 88.2kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 176.4kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer 176.4kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 48kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer 48kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 96kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer 96kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 192kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer 192kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 8 little endian Signed Integer 2822.4kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 8 little endian Signed Integer 5644.8kHz

0 physical formats

Current device transportInfo:
CurrentTransportState: PLAYING
CurrentTransportStatus: OK
CurrentSpeed: 1
Current device MediaInfo:
NrTracks: 1
MediaDuration: 0:07:13

dc:titleQuartet in D major, KV 575 “Prussian”: I. Allegretto</dc:title>
dc:creatorMozart [Amadeus SQ] </dc:creator>
upnp:artistMozart [Amadeus SQ] </upnp:artist>
upnp:genreChamber Music</upnp:genre>
upnp:albumMozart; String Quartets - CD6 [Amadeus SQ]</upnp:album>

nextURIMetadata: <DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc="" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/">
Quartet in D major, KV 575 "Prussian": II. Andante Mozart [Amadeus SQ] Mozart [Amadeus SQ] Chamber Music Mozart; String Quartets - CD6 [Amadeus SQ] 2 object.item.audioItem.musicTrack
PlayMedium: NETWORK

Current device AVT service description:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 1 0 SetAVTransportURI InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID CurrentURI in AVTransportURI CurrentURIMetaData in AVTransportURIMetaData SetNextAVTransportURI InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID NextURI in NextAVTransportURI NextURIMetaData in NextAVTransportURIMetaData GetMediaInfo InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID NrTracks out NumberOfTracks MediaDuration out CurrentMediaDuration CurrentURI out AVTransportURI CurrentURIMetaData out AVTransportURIMetaData NextURI out NextAVTransportURI NextURIMetaData out NextAVTransportURIMetaData PlayMedium out PlaybackStorageMedium RecordMedium out RecordStorageMedium WriteStatus out RecordMediumWriteStatus GetTransportInfo InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID CurrentTransportState out TransportState CurrentTransportStatus out TransportStatus CurrentSpeed out TransportPlaySpeed GetPositionInfo InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Track out CurrentTrack TrackDuration out CurrentTrackDuration TrackMetaData out CurrentTrackMetaData TrackURI out CurrentTrackURI RelTime out RelativeTimePosition AbsTime out AbsoluteTimePosition RelCount out RelativeCounterPosition AbsCount out AbsoluteCounterPosition GetDeviceCapabilities InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID PlayMedia out PossiblePlaybackStorageMedia RecMedia out PossibleRecordStorageMedia RecQualityModes out PossibleRecordQualityModes GetTransportSettings InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID PlayMode out CurrentPlayMode RecQualityMode out CurrentRecordQualityMode Stop InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Play InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Speed in TransportPlaySpeed Pause InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Seek InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Unit in A_ARG_TYPE_SeekMode Target in A_ARG_TYPE_SeekTarget Next InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Previous InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID SetPlayMode InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID NewPlayMode in CurrentPlayMode GetCurrentTransportActions InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Actions out CurrentTransportActions X_DLNA_GetBytePositionInfo InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID TrackSize out X_DLNA_CurrentTrackSize RelByte out X_DLNA_RelativeBytePosition AbsByte out X_DLNA_AbsoluteBytePosition LastChange string TransportState string STOPPED PLAYING PAUSED_PLAYBACK TRANSITIONING NO_MEDIA_PRESENT TransportStatus string OK ERROR_OCCURRED PlaybackStorageMedium string NETWORK RecordStorageMedium string NOT_IMPLEMENTED PossiblePlaybackStorageMedia string PossibleRecordStorageMedia string CurrentPlayMode string NORMAL NORMAL SHUFFLE REPEAT_ONE REPEAT_ALL TransportPlaySpeed string 1 RecordMediumWriteStatus string NOT_IMPLEMENTED CurrentRecordQualityMode string NOT_IMPLEMENTED PossibleRecordQualityModes string NumberOfTracks ui4 0 1 CurrentTrack ui4 0 1 1 CurrentTrackDuration string CurrentMediaDuration string CurrentTrackMetaData string CurrentTrackURI string AVTransportURI string AVTransportURIMetaData string NextAVTransportURI string NextAVTransportURIMetaData string RelativeTimePosition string AbsoluteTimePosition string RelativeCounterPosition i4 AbsoluteCounterPosition i4 CurrentTransportActions string A_ARG_TYPE_SeekMode string TRACK_NR REL_TIME X_DLNA_REL_BYTE A_ARG_TYPE_SeekTarget string A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID ui4 X_DLNA_RelativeBytePosition string X_DLNA_AbsoluteBytePosition string X_DLNA_CurrentTrackSize string

Current device RootDevice description:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 1 0 1 8102 1 DMR-1.50 MS_DigitalMediaDeviceClass_DMR_V001 MediaDevices VEN_0112&DEV_0006&REV_01 VEN_0033&DEV_000C&REV_01 Multimedia.DMR urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1 Pioneer SC-97 PIONEER CORPORATION Digital Media Client SC-97/CUXJ Digital Media Client uuid:5F9EC1B3-ED59-79BB-4530-745e1c591673 123810928305 urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1 urn:upnp-org:serviceId:RenderingControl /RenderingControl/desc.xml /RenderingControl/ctrl /RenderingControl/evt urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1 urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ConnectionManager /ConnectionManager/desc.xml /ConnectionManager/ctrl /ConnectionManager/evt urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1 urn:upnp-org:serviceId:AVTransport /AVTransport/desc.xml /AVTransport/ctrl /AVTransport/evt

UPnP devices found : 1
Device #0: ID 0x0 Pioneer SC-97 UID: uuid:5F9EC1B3-ED59-79BB-4530-745e1c591673 Location:

CoreAudio audio path, buffer I/O frame size: 0

Max. memory for audio buffers: 29696MB

Local Audio Engine:
Exclusive access: Enabled
Integer mode: Enabled

Local devices found : 3
Device #0: ID 0x3c Built-in Output Manufacturer: Apple Inc. Model UID: AppleHDA:66 UID: AppleHDAEngineOutput:1B,0,1,3:0
Device #1: ID 0x33 Built-in Line Output Manufacturer: Apple Inc. Model UID: AppleHDA:66 UID: AppleHDAEngineOutput:1B,0,1,4:1
Device #2: ID 0x2f Built-in Digital Output Manufacturer: Apple Inc. Model UID: AppleHDA:66 UID: AppleHDAEngineOutput:1B,0,1,5:2

I can see that in the Debug info it states;
Gapless playback: Yes.

However I tested it with the same music in which I found the problem and it is still the same;
No Gapless playback.

Pioneer states that when the receiver is pulling the music from Network devices it goes into Media Server mode it is capable of Gapless playback.
However when the Network device is pushing music to it, as Audirvana does, receiver goes into Digital Media Renderer mode, (DMR) and Gapless playback does not occur.

Actually your device get the next uri but it seems to not do the transition to the next track

nextURIMetadata: <DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc="" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/">

Are you using the latest firmware from Pioneer?

Yes, latest firmware installed - AVR16Z_0412

I think you should reach Pioneer about it as your device do not do what it is suposed to do over UPnP. This is the device that handle gapless over UPnP, not Audirvana.

Or it does what it says. And as a renderer, it doesn’t play gapless.

And then it is just what you want. There are possibilities.
Put the files on a NAS so that both Macs can play the files.
Buy a unpnp renderer (gapless) with a digital output. And probably more.