Genre tag or not?

Anyone else never used the genre tag for sorting?

Yes. Yes. Yes

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I don’t because one genre is not enough for an album, and sometimes genre may vary between tracks too. And it’s quite hard to define a genre anyway. So it’s not very useful, at least for the music genres I listen to.

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I make a Jazz genre then Jazz/piano and Jazz/vocal. Etc. Sometimes (often actually) one album has several genre classifications. Although, mostly, I use my main interest one. Quite an interesting (and very time consuming) project. I pulled myself away from the computer last night wondering what my life will be once I’ve completed my tagging.

I find using the genre metadata indispensable.
It helps me divide my music collection in clearly identified subsets.
The difficulty is to limit the total number of genres to an easily manageable level, while allowing enough “granularity”.
For a useful use of the genre metadata, each user would have to find their own sweet-spot.

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I wish Audirvana Studio could read 2 or more genre tags the same way it tries to create multiple artists.

Being able to tag an album with multiple genres would take Smart Playlists to the next level… :crossed_fingers:

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