Getting this message when upgrading to

Hi all! Any ideas on what to do?

App installation failed with error message: Windows cannot install package Audirvana.Audirvana-4118-9684-d80dbb7827cd_1.4.5.0_neutral_~q3nymrkmej12j because a different package Audirvana.Audirvana-4118-9684-d80dbb7827cd_1.3.0.0_neutral~fec4hfhj3emgj with the same name is already installed. Remove package Audirvana.Audirvana-4118-9684-d80dbb7827cd_1.3.0.0_neutral~_fec4hfhj3emgj before installing. (0x80073cf3)


For all Windows 10 users of Studio, please take a look at the change log to properly get the update and not having to do the analysis of your track.

Following today’s update of Studio, here is the change log of this 1.4.5 version:


  • Fix display issues on High Sierra
  • Show number of active filters in toolbar button
  • Fix streaming playlist album play

Windows 10:

We made a change due to Microsoft security policy for Audirvana Studio Windows 10 version. This then means you will need to do a couple of things to get the update.

IMPORTANT: Before uninstalling Studio, you need to copy your AudirvanaDatabase.sqlite file that you can find at this location:

C:\Users[your login]\AppData\Local\Packages\Audirvana.Audirvana-[… id number that can vary]\LocalCache\Local\Audirvana\Audirvana

To show AppData folder:

Copy and save it in a different folder BEFOREuninstalling Studio (It’s mandatory to not lose the analysis of your tracks)

You then need to uninstall Studio from your computer (right-click on the icon in start menu and select Uninstall)

And then install the latest version using the link Download - Audirvana

After doing this, open Studio one time and close it. Then go to the same location as before:

C:\Users[your login]\AppData\Local\Packages\Audirvana.Audirvana-[… id number that can vary]\LocalCache\Local\Audirvana\Audirvana

Replace the AudirvanaDatabase.sqlite file.

You can now reopen Audirvana Studio and the analysis of your tracks should not be done again.

Change log of 1.4.5 for Windows 10:

  • Improve audio files analysis progress information
  • Allow pause in radio playback
  • Show number of active filters in toolbar button
  • Fix streaming playlist album play
  • Other minor fixes

Some users said a restart had to be made after uninstalling… many said two restart was better…

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I keep getting this error. I uninstalled, but can not install I was getting the same problem with 1.4.?

App installation failed with error message: Deployment Add operation with target volume C: on Package Audirvana.Audirvana-4118-9684-d80dbb7827cd_1.5.0.0_neutral_~_q3nymrkmej12j from: (AudirvanaSetup_1.5.0.0_x64.appxbundle) failed with error 0x8000FFFF. See for help diagnosing app deployment issues. (0x8000ffff)

Now I don’t have studio. :frowning: Any help is welcome.

I followed the instructions above, removed AS, and attempted to install AS again.

I got the following error

App installation failed with error message: error 0xC00CEE01: The XML in the .appinstaller file is not valid: Line 9, Column 55, Reason: Unexpected end of input. (0xc00cee01)

So like tskidog I no longer have AS on my laptop.

Same with me , followed istructions, receive the same error. Can´t go back to 1.3.0 . so i have no AS

Hi Guys,
my 1.5.0 is running now! This XML error seems to be a Win10 certificate problem. I checked today all optional updates, there was a big one I installed and after it Audivana installation went flawless. Try out windows update plus optional updates.
Best regards

Thanks @MW1378. Working for me now.

Hummm… I did the Windows 10 patch and AS installed, but doesn’t run. I see it pop up in the Windows Task Manager, then it quits. :frowning:

Did you restart after uninstalled? Some said the second restart works?!?