How can I reset or remove old machine's license?

Hello, I crashed my old MacBook few years ago. And now, I bought new MacBook, and I can’t install Audirvana because of reason “too many licenses”. I can’t unlock my old MacBook’s license now.
How can I reset or unlock licenses?

I want to remove a licence from my old computer too, any admin here to help? My old computer is dead

Hello @akrssk,

I have removed all your computers from the license database.
You can now activate up to two Mac computers.

To install Audirvana on your Mac, you can proceed as follows:

  1. install trial version :
  2. unlock it by loading your license key

Thanks for your response.
But I can’t activate license for my new MacBook.
iMac’s license (one of two) is alright.
Shall I wait for some hours?

@akrssk, can you try again? This should good now.

Thank you very much!
This time I cloud activate license on my MacBook!
Thank you for all your honesty.
I love Audirvana.

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