How long my licence to origin last?

Hey all im using orgin on a win 10 mashine it sounds soo good and im happy tanks aurdirvana but i will hear how long wil my licens work ? is it until win 10 is don ( october 2025) or wil it work after thee if i buy a win 11 mashine ? tanks lars


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why shuld i buy it when i alredy hawe it ?

Audirvana Origin is available as a one-time purchase at the price of US$ 119.9.
If you already purchased it once, you have it, one time is enough. Every time you use a different computer (now or later), the app asks you to log-in and make sure you have a licence (which disconnects you from other computers), that’s all.

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That was the information you wanted, it’s a one time purchase, you obviously have done that purchase

Enjoy the music :sunglasses:

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It is yours to use for as long as it works on future OS updates. So if you stayed on the OS where it currently works should remain working for years.

The Audirvana website says the following;

  • Two years min. OS compatibility updates
  • At least one feature yearly updates until 2025
  • Multiple installs (non-simultaneous use)

I assume the two years of OS compatibility updates means from the time they release a newer version i.e. from the release of Origin version 3. Origin works on Windows 11 for many users without issue.

You should get at least another 4 years use but that is down to whether you keep updating to a new OS after the maintenance period has finished.

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ok so from october 2025 i should spend money on licens when win 10 is out ? thats is 3 time i spend money on licens hvat about linux ? should i move to that wil work for years and years ? tanks forall the alswers lars :slight_smile:

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No wait until Origin 3, see if you want to upgrade, if not stay on 2.x for as long as OS updates do not render the software unusable which will occur at some point but may be quite a few years. You just won’t get feature additions after 2025

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ah ok tanks i wil do that :slight_smile:

what about Extended Security Update (ESU) program there i will get 3 more years with win 10 ( paid ofcurse) will my licens hold that 3 years more ? any aaurdirvana emplyer that can say yes oe no here ? will be able to provide you with the pertinent information you want.

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ok tanks

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