How to completely remove Audirvana in Windows 11

I tried resetting and uninstalling the Audirvana app from my machine, but when I reinstall it, It automatically gets my streaming services logged in. There might be config files still there even after installation.
Please help me if anyone has any ideas.

Think the streaming services connection details are stored on the Audirvana server. When I first log on after a reinstall the software checks for a licence and probably reads the streaming services info and turns them on. When I reinstall it is a wipe of the hard disk and reload everything so all files on the HD are erased.

The only way to stop it in my experience is to disconnect from the service using the streaming services tab in Studio settings before removing and reinstalling the software. I use a Mac but see exactly the same behaviour when reinstalling Audirvana. If I disconnect before removing the app and reinstalling they are off by default when first opening the app.

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Hi @Raalapas,

@Djm1960 described this well in his post. :point_up_2:

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