How to get license file for Audirvana Plus 2.2.6


I recently purchased Audirvana Plus but downloaded version 2.2.6 (needed for Snow Leopard/ Mac OS 10.6).

I received a “License Key” but when I try to activate the software, it asks for a “License File”.

Is there a way I can get the “License File” instead of just the License Key to activate the software?

Thank you.

the document is for audirvana version 3 that uses the license key method. Im trying to activate version 2 (uses license file).

I suspect the document might even have an error there because it says to enter license file but shows image for entering license key

The best would be that you upgrade to at least Mavericks to benefit from the version 3 improvements.
Otherwise I can generate you an old version 2 license file

An thanks for the heads up on the typo. Just fixed it.

Thanks, but upgrading to mavericks is currently not an option for me. Can you generate the version 2.2.6 license file for me?
