HRA streaming is not working (again)

During August and September there have been no problems in Studio streaming the HRA service.
Since a week or two it does not work 80% of the time I tried. Just like now, Tuesday 9am.
The HRA app works. So this is not a HRA problem.
I think it is time to quit Audirvana Studio. I will move on.

Hello @Gustav1,

Can you send us a copy of the “Debug Info” when you have this issue? You can get it in Audirvana Settings>My account

Please remove the line corresponding to your logged-in account to avoid displaying your email address and first name/last name publicly.

Note: By clicking on the Debug Info button, Audirvana automatically copies all its content, all you have to do is paste it in response to this message

I sent the debug info.

I moved a MacBook Pro into my Audio room (I really wanted to avoid that) and connected it to the Dac without going through UPnP.
This did work the last 2 weeks. But then it also shows that Roons strategy with their new RAAT network protocol was completely the right thing to do.
UPnP is proven instability For me playing music over network connection in my setup is a must have for any serious software contender to Roon. WIth UPnP it seems you don’t have a stable software atm.

Hello @Gustav1,

What is the device you use in UPnP? We have a lot of device were UPnP work perfectly and we do not have issue with it to play to those device with Audirvāna.

Hello @Antoine

I use Sonore OpticalRendu.

What os are you using ? since Monterey my Oppo205 is working quite brilliantly

I think it is Catalina.

Are you stuck at Catalina like my older Mini? @bitracer posted a matrix that showed how to update some of these machines.Macs By Maximum Supported Version of Mac OS X (OS X):

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Here it is:


Thank you Guys! Much appreciated.

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Today, Saturday 10.30 am:
Audirvana Mac:
UPnP streaming does not work with Tidal, Qobuz or HRA.
USB connected DAC work with Tidal and Qobuz. Not HRA.
UPnP devices used are: Optical Rendu and Allobridge with Roipee, Same problem with both devices.

Same is true for Audirvana on a Win 10 PC. Audirvana behaves identical on Mac and Pc.

All streaming services work with their local apps on USB.
Tidal and Qobuz work perfectly with Roon.

The problem is Audirvana Studio. There is no way around it.

I cut my losses short here. Lost little money but lots of time.