HRA Streaming

Audirvana does not find the biggest part of ECM Albums, when searching in Labels.
It does find missing albums when doing individual search.

HRA streaming sometimes stop. Then I need to restart Audirvana to start streaming again.
No problems in Qobuz or Tidal.

Still bugs with newest software version.
I start Audirvana. Scan a Label. Audirvana will not initialize playback.
After a Restart playing Music s possible.
That behaviour I see only with HRA.

That behaviour I see only with HRA

I can’t prove it of course, but my 30 years old IT intuition tells me that HRA have to do they homework… :wink:

I actually have that same suspicions…

HRA streaming is full of bugs.
Not only in Audirvana. Right now their Windows software is full of troubles.
Just now I cant get my favorite albums to appear in the My Music Window…
Hopefully HRA fixes their Api in a quick way.

I have forwarded this to HRA-Streaming that is now aware of this, and working on it.

That would help them to sell their service.

There is better stability now with 1027 Audirvana.
Looks much better.
My “liked” albums appeared again…

Damien, please reconsider the naming convention in Audirvana for HRA Playlists.
You put ECM Favorites in a “folder” you name “dreamy”. This is just one example. There are many.

Last post was premature. Problems persist…


Just purchased the Audirvana license due to it contains the possibility of streaming hires music from Highresaudio (HRA). I noticed an issue with HRA streaming, 25 minutes after I have started Audirvana all HRA playlists are empty so if I want to continue streaming HRA files I need to either restart Audirvana or just disconnect/connect HRA connection in Audirvana settings.

This can be checked easily by starting Audirvana, waiting for over 25 minutes, and opening some of HRA playlist you have created earlier and you should see that the playlist is empty, seems to me that there is timeout or something like that regarding Audirvana-HighResAudio connection but, of course, this is only a guess,

I confirm the issues JKO reported.
HRA streaming is in alpha status. I dont mean anything bad, but that is a fact.
Either improve ( in time) or remove from Audirvana, as this hurts the Audirvana brand.

I’ve worked with HRA-Streaming to get issues fixed.
The result is updates on their servers, and in Audirvana Plus build 1031 I’ve just released.
Restart Audirvana Plus to get the update. (You’ll also get the local sort keys update, with the keys recomputing at first start).
Main fixes are:

  • Purchased albums are now correctly listed
  • No more interruption after 25mn
  • New/Recommended/Popular playlists correctly displayed
  • Curated albums displayed in correct order

Hi Damien,
After having a quick look there are no interruptions anymore after 25 minutes, for me this was the most irritating issue using Audirvana so I am glad this is fixed now

Yes, there is some movement in the right direction.

Still lots of problems.

  1. after starting Audirvana I have immediate access to Qobuz and Tidal. Not so to HRA. It takes feeled minutes till the menustructure appears and more time for the content in the different areas of HRA.

  2. If i play content from Qobuz and want to switch to HRA, I have to restart Audirvana, because it wont play.

  3. the graphic resolution with the HRA files is low. much better in Qobuz.

HRA Playlist names in Audirvana are not synced with the HRA Main program.
Please use same names for playlists in Audirvana as HRA uses them in their program.
thank you!

Removing Albums from My Music is still with bugs. Hang ups.