Importing Files

I am yet again trying AS , I have a couple of basic questions. My library is around 100k tracks over 3 folders, I have included 2 folders so far as you can see. I am coming from a well maintained JRiver library.

My PC is a standalone desktop and not powered 24/7 so when I start it AS autostarts

  1. I have “rescan at startup” set to yes


When I start it runs the HDD for literally hours, I understand once on a new library but not every time

Set to Auto will AS pick up automatically any new files in the 2 folders I have specified ?
Do you use Rescan folders as a maintenance task once in a while and Auto takes care of incremental additions. It’s not clear.

  1. Where do all the Russian and Chinese characters come from and how can I stop them ?

I have a fairly well groomed library from a previous system and am pretty sure the don’t exist in MY tags are they coming from MusicBrainz?

When you sync a folder with Audirvāna, it will always sync the content inside the folders you selected, which means if you add new tracks or remove tracks in those folders, the folder will see them and will sync the changes. And the Rescan folders at each start is to make sure we get all the changes when you reopen Audirvāna.

What sorting do you have in the software?

The import is what I thought was happening , full sync every now and then to ensure completeness but a new album is imported Automatically

the Sorting is by Artist Name (but that is not a Tag in my files ?) where does this come from ?


Can you look at the sort as metadata of your artist with russian and chinese characters?

Metadata Artist

In audirvana


in JRiver


In Tag&Rename


Can you send me one track of this artist at so I can see what is going on?

Sent . It’s a small MP3 track , one of a very few MP3 tracks in my library

This is a Tag Dump from JRiver , no sign of Greek Characters

Looks like it’s picking up the Greek from the Composer in MusicBrainz ? Composer in my tags will be empty , I only populate Composer for Classical works , I deliberately delete for Rock etc (Non Classical) to avoid clutter in Classical Views

Not the English Text Artist

Will turning off the MusicBrainz metadata witch and resync fix it ?

I will check if it’s really related to Musicbrainz and I will come back to you.

One of the Russian text ones has the Orchestra Missing , the Russian Text (according to Dr. Google) says Russian Radio Symphony Orchestra

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