Intel processor

I want to use Linux but there is only a download for ARM processors and AMD processors. I use a computer with an Intel processor and receive a message that the package is incorrect. Is there another option?
Thanks in advance

AMD64 is Linux-ese for “works with AMD and Intel 64-bit processors.” I have Audirvana for Linux working just fine with an Intel processor on 4 different Linux distros. So go ahead and use the one labeled “AMD.” :+1:

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Thanks for the answer I was able to install. Now I have a new problem, the app is updated on the tablet but does not recognize the software. what can we do ?

Good to hear installation went well. I think the failure to recognize the software is due to Audirvana’s licensing server being among a number of Microsoft Azure servers currently experiencing an outage. (This is the first outage in the 3 years the licensing server has been operating, but it obviously comes at a most inconvenient time for you.)

The latest news in the thread here about the outage is that Microsoft has identified a root cause and potential solution, and will be communicating again either within an hour or when there is a change to report.

Login has started working again for many people now, though some are still reporting problems.

I manage to connect to the software in Windows 11. The problem is only in Linux. Is there anything to do after installing the software in Linux to connect to the application?

Hi @efi,

When you go on the log file of Audirvāna on your Linux, what do you see?

I apologize but I have a lack of understanding of Linux but fills in gaps quickly. Where do you see the installation of Audirvana and the LOG FILE?

Now it suddenly started working but Tidal uploads slowly.

You can see it there:

Everything started working fine. Don’t know why it didn’t work at first.
Thank you very much for your help

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I have another question. In Windows when I added albums in Tidal I had to close AUDIRVANA and reopen to see the albums. What can be done in Linux? Is there a way to refresh?

If you pull your favorites in the Remote, is the list of albums refreshed?

No. In my opinion, the same problem was also in windows, it was necessary to close the software and restart it, there is no refresh operation. Here it is not possible to close and restart the software unless there is a way and I don’t know. The remote does not affect it in Linux