It's hard because of the tags

The sound source is about 5 terabytes.
I’m so stressed out because of the tag… TT TT

I miss roon…

I am sorry, but I completely don’t understand what you are talking about or what point you are trying to make. I miss chocolate…


Discogs, MusicBrainz and liner notes are your friends … drink some chamomile tea and relax … or go back to Roon


Why do you ‘miss ROON’?
It’s still available, if it’s your preference :thinking:


Isn’t it Ms. Roon ?

I didn’t realize that they were all sold out of stock…………bummer :wink:

Hi @tooner3,

you shouldn’t be stressed about it, we won’t remove your tags at all. With 5tb, the sync can take some time but you can still play your music in the app while it it syncing your library :wink:

:rofl: :rofl:

Miss, Ms, They, Them.
Honestly mate, it’s almost impossible in todays climate to know how to refer to ‘people’ :thinking:

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