Kernel Streaming noise at the end of the track

This has been posted before - however I switched to AS and Overall i like it a lot but when Streaming with Kernel i get these noise Pops/ Sharp Short noise at the end of a Track before the next starts. I tried most of the recommendations but no success.
Kernel sounds best to me, so what to do? I stream from my laptop via a chord hugo 1.

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Same here, already posted about same. VERY annoying.

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Same here as well. Kernel streaming sounds great but the white noise after every track made it unbearable. I’m currently on ASIO settings and waiting patiently for an update to fix it.

I had to change to Kernel Streaming since WASAPI keeps crashing after the latest 1.12.2 update, and I do like the sound of Kernel Streaming, but I also get that white noise blip after every track, too.

Have you tried ASIO?

ASIO is fine, but sometimes, the next track is added into the very end of the current track. I’d have to stop and restart the track to correct itself.

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