Library synchronisation stops prematurely

Dear all,

I noticed that the new files were not imported into the library. I thought that the DB was somewhat corrupted.
Then, I deleted the library and restart the process of synchronisation since the very beginning. It always stop in the middle (Progress bar reached only 25% max) with an incomplete library.
Any idea of what I can do?

More precisely, the synchronisation stops after having imported 1274 albums out of around 5300.
Don’t know why. Maybe there is one particular file blocking the synchronisation but I have no idea on how to get info about that file.
As there is no synchronisation log, it’s hard to figure out what happened.

erreur 16:16:44.126914+0100 Audirvana MP4Parser_PacketProvider->GetASBD() failed
erreur 16:16:44.128429+0100 Audirvana OpenFromDataSource failed
erreur 16:16:44.128478+0100 Audirvana Open failed
erreur 16:16:44.379308+0100 Audirvana DecoderConfigDescr::DeserializeMPEG1Or2AudioDecoderSpecificPayload: the DecoderSpecificInfo tag is incorrect
erreur 16:16:44.379359+0100 Audirvana MP4Parser_PacketProvider->GetASBD() failed
erreur 16:16:44.379406+0100 Audirvana OpenFromDataSource failed

Here are some errors I found in the system console:

|erreur|16:16:44.379427+0100|Audirvana| Open failed|

|erreur|16:16:44.647983+0100|Audirvana| DecoderConfigDescr::DeserializeMPEG1Or2AudioDecoderSpecificPayload: the DecoderSpecificInfo tag is incorrect|
|erreur|16:16:44.648050+0100|Audirvana| MP4Parser_PacketProvider->GetASBD() failed|
|erreur|16:16:44.648102+0100|Audirvana| OpenFromDataSource failed|
|erreur|16:16:44.648132+0100|Audirvana| Open failed|

Try to load small batch of folders like maybe A to E if no errors, load F to J… like that you will narrow where is the bug

Thanks for the advice, but problem is that there are no errors reported. The process simply stops without any warning but I know that the synchronisation is incomplete.
I managed to reach 2990 albums recognised after I opened some subdirectories inside the synchronised directory, which is hosted on a NAS.
But, again, without any clear error message, it’s hard to figure out what is wrong.


Strange thing: I got this error message after a while, and the sync continued.
Synched folders initialization: Initial synchronization was not completed: resuming it for folder /Volumes/Audio/

Same message as above was repeated several times.

Also got that message: Error getting volume uuid for /Volumes/Recovery retrying once

Strange as only /Volumes/Audio is supposed to be synchronised…

I found the culprit! The whole synchronisation task was polluted by one single directory name that contains a combination of characters that SMB does not like, when it is perfectly accepted on the Syno.

Look at this directory name:
Les Siècles, François-Xavier Roth - Berlioz - Harold en Italie, Les Nuits d’été (2019)[FLAC-24bit-441000Hz]
In that form, it works, at least you can see it and open it from the Finder, and it can directly be put in the active playlist.

Now, look at this:
Les Siècles, François-Xavier Roth - Berlioz - Harold en Italie, Les Nuits d’été (2019) [FLAC-24bit-441000Hz].
Here, it does not work because of this space before the brace!! Interesting, isn’t it?

Yet another mystery of the SMB thing, another piece of excellence by MS!!

Now, I would need to write a script that could detect all those things before trying to put them into the Audirvana library.

But, what is strange is the effect such file has to synchronisation algorithm. Instead of being blocked when that file is met, it stops a bit later, or it can even continue but without processing all the files.
The only error I got was that the file did not exist as it was searched with a name that did not match the name reported by the SMB protocol, due to that combination of space and brace.

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