Licence number lost - Sorry!

Hello Antoine,

I can’t recover my licence number, I saved it on a text file, but now when I open it it’s like a mixture of chinese, russion and aliens letters ! I have two audlic files, thought it would activate A+ 3.5 but no.
I restaured my last backup which was fine but it stil ask the licence number. I lost it after following the procedure to solve the files which can’t be red.

I don’t know what you need as info to recover my licence number, I don’t remenber under which E-mail I registered, Gmail or Hotmail. But I can supply my name and adress if necessary.

I can’t upgrade to the new version as I still run Sierra 10.12. I could use High Sierra but the original file 10.13 can’t be found anywere, whitout it no way to install 10.13.1 and beyong.

Sorry for the trouble, hope you can do something because I can’t live witout Audirvana !
