Licensing woes on new mac

My mac crashed, so I can not deauthorize my old audirvana installation. Now I am unable to activate Audirvana on my new mac. Could you please solve this for me?
Thank you in advance
Stig B Jespersen

Hello @sbj,

I have removed all your computers from the license database.
You can now activate up to two Mac computers.

To install Audirvana on your Mac, you can proceed as follows:

  1. install trial version :
  2. unlock it by loading your license key

Hi, Just purchased second licence and no email. Contact paddle and they only have record of first purchase. My MasterCard has 103.01 pending but no email. Absolutely frustrating. Trying to support your business, make this easy and give me my licence key for my 3rd and 4th Macs. Thanks.

You checked your junk mail folder?

Thanks, no luck. Took my money right away and didn’t send the licence. MasterCard has the transaction I have the vendor information approval code from Mastrcard and Paddle doesn’t acknowledge they received my order. They tell me about my first order in June. Just ridiculous, I really want to help the little businesses but I shouldn’t have to work this hard to get a simple licence key.

Couple of weeks ago a user complaint also here… he had made an error writing his email for the purchase :grinning:. Damien will surely answer you tomorrow morning France time…

Hi, Thanks, that could have happened. Almost morning in the hexagon so I will try and be patient.

Hello @rmackay7, there were a typo error in your mail, you typed “.cm” instead of “.com” at the end of your mail :wink: I changed it in our database, you should now received you license key.

Tres bien. Appreciate it.

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