Local → Artists Grid View in Remote?

Audirvana on Windows displays Local → Artists in a wonderful grid view. Is it possible to see Local → Artists in the same grid view in Audirvana Remote for iPad?

I only get a list view for Local → Artists … tho’ I do get a grid view for Local → Albums.

Hey @Press250

Please see attached. Turn this on under the Appearance Tab on you iPad.

Ay caramba, I sincerely thought I checked that menu. Thank you for answering another one of my (embarrassing) questions so promptly!

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I think one of the issues with Audirvana is that some of the settings and controls are not in aslogical place as they maybe could be.
For instance this setting would maybe be better placed in the Library preferences/display, rather than appearance settings, which to me pertains to the look of the app more - colour, font size etc.
Or just me?


Hey @reddog1 you make a valid point and I don’t necessarily disagree with you. The little issues like this will arise in software where the remote app is not exactly the same as the computer app. I’m using MacOS with iPad and iPhone so can’t comment on PC or the new Linux setups.
The workings have to be put somewhere, and everyone’s minds don’t work the same which helps make us who we are.
In relation to Audirvāna, there is also a limited user manual which is accessed by the little circled :information_source: and that also seems limited to sound and output settings which I can understand also as the creator is probably more interested in the Audio implications more than the Visual.
To me it is not a huge issue as I personally tend to have a good (or perhaps it is a bad) habit of checking every setting and every button/link in software to see what they do/change.
I guess we are lucky enough if it’s really annoying us to be able to ask @Antoine or post a Feature Request. Although of course that is no guarantee that anything will get changed, but at least more users will hopefully know about it, where to find it and what the change of setting does.
Regards and enjoy the music.

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Unlike you, I have software that I’ve had for years, and still find buttons/settings I hadn’t noticed! :rofl:

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