Login name not recognized

Tried in vain to log into my Audirvana account. I own a copy of Audirvana Origin, and am trying to establish app on new PC, as old machine failed, taking everything with it. The app is installed on my laptop, and works fine. Problem is that the original account and purchase was done using a now defunct email, and I can’t enter the account for obvious reasons.
I have my product key that M. Antoine sent last October, but can’t install on new PC because I get the “too many installations” error. So, pls advise on next steps.

Hi @Johnb I assume @Antoine will look at this later today if he is in, however in the meantime going to the last post in this old thread may assist you.

Hi @Johnb,

Would you like me to transfer your information from your gmail to your icloud account?

Hello, Antoine…yes, please. Anything to allow me to actually access my account and download a copy of Audirvana Origin for second installation on new desktop.
Thanks very much,
P.S., I get a “login name not recognized” message when responding by email rather than directly to the forum as above…any ideas why?

hi @Johnb,

I transferred your 3.5 licenses to your icloud account. (You don’t own a Audirvāna Origin license when we speak, you have a 3.5 legacy license)

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Bonjour, Antoine…still have problems logging into NEW Audirvana account, as I am caught up in a “Enter new password loop” after receiving Verification code.
Perhaps the way round all this carry-on is for you to send me a one-time account login link, and once I’m in my account, I then do Password change, etc., and download the 3.5 app.
Will that work for you?

I sent you a private message in this regards.

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Bonjour, M Antoine…merci beaucoup, that did the trick, all signed in, 3.5 downloaded, license entered, and rocking on!
