Looking for help: if the headset/earphones disconnect for whatever reason, the position in the track is lost

Hi Audirvana team and fellow users,

I recently bought a license for Audirvana Origin, and I’m mostly enjoying it.

There’s one glitch, though: if, for whatever reason, the headset/earphones disconnect from my MacBook (maybe I inadvertently pull the USB cable, or maybe another device «captures» the Bluetooth earphones…), Audirvana will stop playing the current track and seemingly completely forget the position I was when the track stopped.

I’m fine with Audirvana interrupting the reproduction of the track, of course; but – when I’m listening to long tracks – the loss of position is truly frustrating and annoying. And it doesn’t look like it should be hard for Audirvana to remember it for me – interrupting the reproduction of a track because the output device disconnects should behave like “pause”, not like “stop” (whatever are the technical constraints or optimizations behind it).

Hopefully, there’s a way around this annoyance.



Maybe exclusive use will help.

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Thanks for replying, Philip.

I tried it both with exclusive access on and off, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Also, I listen to music as I work a lot, and, even if it’s not ideal from an audiophile point of view, in that situation, I need to be able to keep listening to sounds/alerts from the computer. If I enable exclusive access, moreover, if I need to stop listening to e.g. take a call on my computer, pausing the player is not enough: I’m forced to use stop the reproduction, which, again, means missing the listening position.

When the synchronization of the digital-audio playback system and the DAC is interrupted… all bets are off… anyway you slice it.
:notes: :eye: :headphones: :eye: :notes:


Hi @EnricoPoli

When it occurs. Send the log to support@audirvana.com with your description… hopefully they ca: understand and resolve your issue.



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Thanks, Phil, I’ll try!

I am afraid this isn’t a glitch.
Audirvana isn’t going to fit for that use case if resuming a track after disconnecting the audio device is your priority. When switching (taking possession of your audio output), it’s the “normal” behaviour for Audirvana to start your track from the beginning. It’s the same if you want to switch to another output, you have to disengage first by clicking the padlock, switch to another output, and start playing, which will start from the beginning. When your headphones disconnect, your computer disconnects the output device, breaking the link. By doing so, Audirvana loses the connection (it’s like clicking the padlock yourself, there’s a reason why it’s shaped like a square, it’s a “STOP” button) and will start fresh. I’m afraid this is the expected behaviour.

You can ask for a “resume” fonction on the User Voice section of the forum. But I suppose it will require a huge amount of work (might even be impossible).