macOS Facetime video calls don't work when Audirvana is running

Dear all,

I’m experiencing problems with Facetime video calls when Audirvana is open on macOS. Calling works and I see video for 1 second from the peer and then it says call failed. When I close Audirvana then calling works without problems.

Thanks in advance,

Have you tried to turn the exclusive access off?

Thanks for the tip, I have turned off the exclusive access. We will see in a next call if it fails again.

It works like a charm!


FYI: This is how it should function. With Exclusive access on, no other software can affect the audio. Which is very nice if you want to listen to music without being interrupted. But not if you want to do something else with the audio at the same time. Like YouTube or a business call.


To add to this. It’s the same thing with Windows, not just macOS :smiley:


Thanks all for the help and clarification

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In adition as many knows for best audio quality / performances / problems free playback is best to have exclusive access / mode on both Windows / Mac, especially with low performance machines. Of course, when it’s possible.

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Exclusive mode does not improve in any way the sound quality. It just prevents sounds from other applications to be mixed to the playback.
The exception are Audirvana players in which setting off exclusive mode, sets also off Integrer mode, in their Mac version. This is not the case for JRIver, Amarra and Roon…

Well, since it goes through the mixer there is potentially a sound quality degradation.

There’s no such risk. Foobar comes without exclusive mode in its basic release. And it sounds great.

There is. Try playing high res file a taking a FaceTime call, then check what it the output sample rate.

The whole purpose is to not miss the FaceTime call. I wrote very clearly '“It just prevents sounds from other applications to be mixed to the playback.”

If you don’t get your FaceTim call the sound won’t be altered.

I just tried out of curiosity with 24/94Khz track and started YouTube video in parallel. It’s mixed, but the target resolution is that of the higher sample rate stream. I’m unable to check if the playback is still bit-perfect when nothing else plays, or the mixer changes something. Would be interesting to test this.

As far as I remember, the mix is made at the lower rate stream.

After reception and decoding, the signal passes through an audio “mixer” that combines sounds from different apps. This mixer modifies the resolution of the audio samples according to a “lowest common denominator”.

That’s what DAC is reporting.

I found this interesting article:

Audio mixer
Fortunately when only one application is playing
audio, it doesn’t affect the signal and thus is at
least bit-perfect in this case.
Sample rate conversion
In this shared model the device sample rate is
not switched to match the original signal’s, but it
is this last one that is sample rate converted.
In addition a suboptimal algorithm is used to
minimize the CPU load of this real-time

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Yes, it’s a good article that Damien wrote. We read it a month or two ago when it was posted in another thread.