Managing metatags, best practice

Of course, @stefano_mbp!

Good luck with your changes :slight_smile: New OS?


  1. you just need to replace the content of the field you need to modify (a red dot will appear on the left of any modified field)
  2. in my example I right-clicked on one of the panels, then clicked on Edit Custom Panel. When the panel opens you can select which panel you want to change (red evidence)
  3. any field in the panel is mapped to a file tag, here all the Yate mappings for different file types
    For the custom Audirvana mapping the association to the tag is described here, they are “custom” tags and Audirvana will search for them in any file

    You can find the columns you need to see right-clicking on column title row in the center panel of Yate (the file list panel)
    Did I answer to your questions?
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@stefano_mbp - did you finish your project with your computer successfully?

Thanks again for taking the time and trouble to explain the procedure. I’m very grateful.

But I am still confused… my fault :frowning: I’m not yet understanding the conceptual model; I’m sorry.

Your step 1: I need to modify several fields. Isn’t that what the Yate Audirvana template does? Isn’t it meant to modify all the fields necessary for Audirvana tagging together?

Your step 2: why did you choose to click on and modify ‘Custom 2’? I don’t have a Custom 2.

Am I aiming to:

  1. replace all the data (‘Info’, ‘Sorting’, ‘Artwork’, ‘Lyrics’ etc) and all ten default fields?
  2. replace all the data in just one of the ten fields… in your example yesterday you (first) right-clicked on ‘Artwork’ - but seemed (second) to be adding/replacing (?) ‘Custom 1’ (which I think is the Yate Audiovarna template) to the default field - second to last on second row, in mine that’s 'URL’s?
  3. add data (the Yate Audirvana template: ‘Conductor’, ‘Audirvana Display Title’, ‘Soloist’, ‘Instrument’, ‘Style’ and ‘Period’?

You can find the columns you need to see right-clicking on column title row in the center panel of Yate (the file list panel)

Yes. I expected to be able to see Soloist and add/replace it (see my questions 1,2,3 above) by right clicking. But it’s not there - see attached grab.

Again, my apologies. I know once I have grasped Yate’s conceptual model for how to do this, I’ll be fine. Your help much appreciated!

Hi, now I’m confused too …
I think you have not imported yet the preferences for Audirvana mapping from here

Once you have imported them you should find all the custom fields/tags for Audirvana
You can edit/customize any of the editing panels … just chose the one you like to customize, you can add or remove any field/tag you want

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@stefano_mbp - Hi - Yes, I have downloaded and imported that template.

Just not sure how it works :frowning:

… not yet … I’m making a massive change to some metadata in my (huge) library. The change itself is done but now I’m copying all the changes to another hdd and after that I’ll make a backup.
I “touched” more or less 2.5TB of data …

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@stefano_mbp - so happy to see the word, ‘backup’. I have several dedicated cloned HDs as well as Time machine. Essential. Well done. Huge job! Are you using tools to automate any of it?

To try and make sense of what is being edited in the Custom Panels, I removed and completely re-installed my (paid) version of Yate (on Mojave, 10.14.6). This is what I see:

There is no Soloist field in the horizontal list of fields in the central panel.

The tenth (fifth on the second row - next to ‘URLs’, below ‘Audio’) Custom Panel (top right) is empty.

Am I aiming to edit that one (now empty) Panel and replace the contents of that one (tenth) Panel with the template fields which are contained in AudirvanaMapping.plist?

If so, why choose that Custom Panel out of the ten? Your earlier illustrations/examples (thank you) also seemed to be editing (?) other Custom Panels.

Will this action add fields to the record, which - presumably - contains data in/from the other nine Panels?

Or does the AudirvanaMapping.plist replace all/some fields in all ten (nine?) Custom Panels?

How does this editing action affect the (data in) the main middle (display of) fields in Yate?

I’m sure that - once I see what I’m supposed to be doing - I can work the rest of it out :slight_smile:

I’m afraid that something in your Yate setup is wrong, if you imported the Audirvana custom fields they should appear.
It should be better to get in touch with Yate support (Barry)
he is very responsive

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@stefano_mbp - thanks!

I did import the fields - and they do appear.

But, as I say, I’m struggling to understand how they combine with/relate to other data already there:

Does the Audirvana template:

  1. replace all the data (‘Info’, ‘Sorting’, ‘Artwork’, ‘Lyrics’ etc) and all ten default fields ?
  2. replace all the data in just one of the ten fields … in your example yesterday you (first) right-clicked on ‘Artwork’ - but seemed (second) to be adding/replacing (?) ‘Custom 1’ (which I think is the Yate Audiovarna template) to the default field - second to last on second row, in mine that’s 'URL’s?
  3. add data (the Yate Audirvana template: ‘Conductor’, ‘Audirvana Display Title’, ‘Soloist’, ‘Instrument’, ‘Style’ and ‘Period’?


Here we are …

  1. no, it doesn’t replace anything
  2. yes, it adds data
  3. no, it doesn’t replace. Just chose an empty custom panel and fill it with the metadata you want manage.
    In my example it is the Custom 1 panel as when I started to use Yate the Custom 1 panel was empty then I started with that one
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… custom panels are a way to customize Yate to adapt it to your workflow.
If you open an empty custom panel and fill it with the metadata you routinely manage you’ll have the advantage to have on hand everything you need to fill/update avoiding to forget some metadata “hidden” in different panels

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I think I’m beginning to understand it, @stefano_mbp :slight_smile:

Am I correct to think that each of the ten buttons in the top two rows of five can have up to ten sets of fields assigned to it?

And am I right that I select which (sets of) fields I assign by Right/Ctrl-clicking one of those (ten) buttons) and populating (each of) Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3 etc with fields which I select from all available meta tag fields in the white/yellow and blue editor which is available when I edit it?

And am I right in thinking that the Audirvana template is just one such set of fields?

So I could - if I wanted - build my own customized set of fields, delete all assignments for the rest of the buttons and see things really simple, if I wanted?

Yes it is all right. Each panel, Custom or “prebuild”, is a sort of mask to edit metadata, therefore you can chose any metadata you want and you can “live” with just one panel if it contains all metadata you want/need to maintain.

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Thanks! I appreciate your patience. I believe I’m ready to start building the template I need now.

Did you finish your own project, @stefano_mbp?

Yes, I did … successfully!

I’m glad I could help you.

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