Mini player needs a serious overhaul

the mini player cant size smaller looks like a big player not mini…

the only way to make look decent with proper album art fiting is this and its not practical

plus fix the switch from mini player to advance mini player position, make it save the user preferece position please.

I completely agree. As it is now, there’s a lot of wasted space. Really weird UI decision there. The mini-player in Audirvana Classic was much better and more compact. Three steps forward, one step back.

I did a user voice addressing the exact same thing a while back. Let’s hope @Antoine and the devs listen. Even iTunes and Apple Music get their mini-players right.


let’s hope that can be done! the player become more stable for me and i really enjoy it! improvements are always welcome to perfect the UI experience

  • I don’t understand why artist, composer, band are not active links like elsewhere.
  • would be nice to have the waveform display option here also.
  • A heading would be nice showing the origin of the current file playing.
  • indication of the file quality also would be nice.
    There is enough room for all the above & more!
    Is there a keyboard short cut to open & close mini player?


Audirvāna Origin 2.5.13 still the mini player is unfixed an changed, please take a look on this when the time is right