I’m hoping I’m missing something here. I just subscribed to Audirvana Studio and will likely drop my Roon subscription; however, I have to say that Audirvana Studio feels a lot like a beta app. I subscribed because I like the sound better than Roon, and I’m likely not going to use Roon’s extra features once my Eversolo DMP-A10 arrives.
One of my biggest issues with the Studio app on Windows is the lack of date information in different areas of the app. Not having a date column in the list of podcasts makes it just about useless to me. Not having the dates of albums in an artist’s page in Studio is also not great. These seem like things that should have been straightened out before this app was released to the public.
I feel like I’m back in my freebie, open source Linux music app days with Studio. Parts of the app are painfully slow, too, even on this fairly high-end gaming laptop (that was NOT true of the Linux apps). Seems like certain operations need to be programmed to run in the background and not hold up the user interface.
Finally, I’m really hoping that the Linux install of Audirvana eventually acts like a proper server that can be used from remote apps everywhere else, like with Roon. It’s annoying that I can’t use the Linux app and run Studio on my Windows laptop for my headphone rig at the same time. We need a “remote” version of the app for Windows.
I’ve done that. I already have multiple UPnP devices on my network. I’m not sure how fond I am of UPnP, and it seems like as long as you offer a Linux program…
Just thought I’d make an update, since my post was pretty negative (that’s just the kind of mood I’m in after this week at work has been way more hectic than I was hoping for this time of year).
For the most part, I do love Audirvana Studio and its features. It’s just that coming from Roon, which is far and away the best user interface I’ve ever experienced in an app like that, I’m a bit spoiled. I also work for a software company, and it bugs me when programs, especially ones I pay for, have annoying user interface and performance issues.
Overall, though, I’m extremely excited to be using Audirvana. I was surprised I liked the sound better than Roon this time around. I didn’t used to. I thought they were very close a few years back, and preferred Roon just slightly on my laptop headphone rig at that time (completely different from what I have now).
Sound wise Audirvāna beats Roon in my set up very clearly. Where it comes to UI I agree that Roon is the better option. But like you, I find SQ priority number one. After all music is all about sound. So to me the choice is easy.
Maybe this thread is of interest to you as well… If so, you might want to add to the mix.