MQA & Upsampling (problem with 'custom' upsampling option)

Currently on latest version 2.7.0 (20700).

I have previously thought how clever it was that even when I was using upsampling, Audirvana Studio would recognize MQA files and send them to the DAC for unfolding (and not try to upsample them).

This still works well in the latest 2.7.0 version, EXCEPT when using a ‘custom’ upsampling setting. So, I was upsampling all 44.1khz files to 176.4khz (and leaving other files to play without upsampling), and when I did this any MQA file would freak out in some way and my DAC would indicate that the MQA file is being upsampled and not sent to the DAC for unfolding.

TL/DR: MQA files get upsampled (and freak out) when using a ‘custom’ upsampling setting affecting only 44.1khz files (to 176.4khz) but MQA files play correctly (i.e. are not upsampled but sent to DAC for unfolding) when using an across-the-board upsampling (*2/*4 for all tracks).

Been away for a few days, but now back and listening to music again, I have only 44.1khz files being upsampled to 176.4khz (everything else no upsampling), and the problem I reported is not happening. 44.1khz MQA files are sent to DAC for unfolding as expected.

The problem seems to be sporadic and probably can’t be consistently reproduced.

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