MusicBrainz metadata interference

Having updated to AS1.2, I have noticed that AS is now refraining unless invited from modifying the music files metadata. Thank you for the correction of that mistake.

However, there remains the matter of interference of the metadata displayed in different views, especially for track artists.

For some tracks, the music file metadata is sometimes preceded by MusicBrainz data.
This is wrong, all the more because the MusicBrainz data is at times incorrect.

Although there is the possibility to edit, the large quantity of information modified, and the impossibility to know which one has been modified, makes this situation unmanageable.

The next step is to modify AS in a way that leaves the user the choice to use or not the collated MusicBrainz data for a number of metadata fields like Artists, Album Artists, Composers, Albums etc…

If AS is to justify its new positioning as an Aggregator-Player solution, they will have to provide rapidly that sort of polished functionalities.