My treble and upper mid-range disappeared

Using 10.13.6, and Audirvana Audirvana Mac Version 3.5.41 Been gone for a year and when I returned and updated Audirvana my treble and upper-midrange sound like they are in another room. High registers of anything clipped A dramatic quality drop from using iTunes by itself. My test song is “Misery” wav from HDTracks Sampler: symbols and snare drum gone. iMac>Peachtree X1>RCA>Musical Fidelity DAC, Pass Labs>Audio Physic Virgo II. Any ideas?

Hello @jamescroak,

Can you send me a copy of the “Debug Info”? You can get it in Audirvana Settings>General>Debug Info

Note: By clicking on the Debug Info button, Audirvana automatically copies all its content, all you have to do is paste it in response to this message

Make sure that integer mode is on. If you upsample turn it off.

You could also try to ho straight to Musical Fidelity DAC if it has USB input.

That worked! Turned integer off. I haven’t updated my system in 8 yrs ( I know I know) is the Peachtree 24/192 clocker obsolete? My M1 Musical Fidelity DAC? I have the Peachtree from computer to a 30’ coaxial to my DAC, inconvenient to be closer. Any advice appreciated. Swap in a ProJect DAC?

You can think about getting a network bridge.