Need help creating & managing my Audiovana playlists

Hi @Antoine,

I use the Audiovana Studio Remote on my iPad to control the Audiovana App running on my Infigo Audio IS-1 Streamer that is running LINUX. My questions are:

  1. I go to my favorites, select an album, hit the 3 dots to create and name my playlist. I do this for 3 albums and all of them are included in the playlist tab. The playlist image is an image of the 3 albums, and each album image is duplicated twice (please see attachment). Can I change the display image of my playlist and how?

  2. The 3 albums included in my playlist are listed by track (track 1, track 2, etc.). Since I have 3 albums in the playlist, and many more later, can I get them displayed by album within the playlist? This means when I select the album, in the playlist for playing, all the tracks will be displayed. This would make it easier to use.

  3. I searched for help, and it keeps referencing the Audiovana Playlist Manager including options for creating and managing my playlists? Where is the Audiovana remote version of the Playlist Manager?

  4. Do you have any more suggestions for creating and managing my playlists? Thanks.

Hi @hgeifman I won’t reply to your email by each point as you are effectively using the playlist manager, it is just that you don’t see the Smart Playlist creator (which is for your local files, and as far as I know, has never been able to be controlled from the remote app)
The rest is easy. The photo section will randomly select 6 Cover photos. In my experience if you don’t have at least 6 Tracks or 6 Albums then it will show 3 twice,
I have attached 2 screenshots of the same Playlist containing numerous albums. The difference is just simply clicking the eye beside the 3 dots.

If you want your playlist to show the same way as your Library Sort Order then click the 3 Dots as shown in the following screenshot and select the apply to manual playlists.

These issues have been addressed numerous times regarding playlists, so I would also recommend that when you search that you go to the bottom of the search box and select all results and browse through by either most recent, or any of the other criteria available. You will more often than not, find your answers.

@ChiliHot, You are a genius! Thank you very much. I did what you said and everything is working fine. Next time, I will do a better job of searching for an answer.

This is the 2nd time you provided me an answer. Thank again for your help. Your extra efforts are appreciated. This issue is closed.

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