Network Issue Solved (WIFI & Ethernet)

Hi, just a warning for anyone with a hifi network receiver/streamer that has both wifi and ethernet connections. I have all sorts of problems using Audirvana and Studio with song playing continuity for a few years. I stream from my Mac to a Yamaha Receiver, R-N602 and now a R-N2000A using Audirvana Studio. Songs would stop randomly and I could not restart and there were many other problems, blooding frustrating. I dropped Audirvana for 12 months then recently picked it back up, same problems. Ready to dump it again but I love the sound quality. Anyway, I had an idea that I would unplug the ethernet cable from the Yamaha and just use wifi as I thought there may be some confusion with two network connections. Presto, has not missed beat since, looks like the problem was having two network connections to the Yamaha Receiver. Things are now perfect with playback through Audirvana, only a couple of hours of testing but not one problem since. I hope this helps someone else having the same issues I have endured for two + years. Cheers Mark

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