No Audirvana Origin PrivilegedHelperTools

I’ve been using Audirvana for around 7 years.

I bought the latest origin version a few days ago and the DAC exclusive loc access is not working. I can’t play any of my files,

Mac OS Monteray 12.6.5

Memory 8 gb

Processor 3 ghz 6 core intel

When I try to set up System Optimizer I receive a pop up error message

SymOptimizer error

… couldn’t commuinicate with helper application

Havcew chewcked the COmm Foeum and members refer to emptying Audirvana files from PrivilegedHelperTools but I have none - does this mean to have to reinstall Audirvana?

Hi @desertglow,

You do not have to reinstall the software but you may need to reinstall SysOptimizer. To do that you need to check if you have those two files:



If it’s the case then you need to remove them, restart your computer and open Audirvāna Origin. If SysOptimizer is enabled, you should have a popup appearing asking you to install SysOptimizer, if it’s not the case, let me know.

Thanks for getting back so promptly
I have neither

Can use the Terminal application (you can find it in Application>Utilities) and enter the following commands to fix it:

sudo chgrp wheel /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools

sudo chmod 1755 /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools

If it’s still not working you need to close Audirvana and do the three commands below in Terminal:

sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.audirvana.SysOptimizerTool.plist

sudo rm /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.audirvana.SysOptimizerTool

sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.audirvana.SysOptimizerTool.plist

After doing this, open Audirvāna and play a track. You should not have the error again.

so enter

sudo chgrp wheel /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools

sudo chmod 1755 /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools

With A open?

Without Audirvāna opened, you need to copy and paste the first line in terminal:

sudo chgrp wheel /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools

then press enter and do the same again for this one:

sudo chmod 1755 /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools

Great - just checking

No cnahe with Steps 1

Steps 2
entered first command got terminal message
Load failed: 2: No such file or directory
entered second command got terminal message
No such file or directory

There was an error executing SysOptimizer. Not all optimizations may be done.

Error = Couldn’t communicate with a helper application.

Same as where I started

Critically the lock icon on the bottom right of interface is greyed out and has never been ‘lit’ properly in the entire time I’ve tried using this since purchase

the files are now appearing in PrivilegedHelper and Launchdeamon - so I’ll try a reboot of MAc

Same as before- other infp
After reboot the lock icon appeared properly lit for. the first time but then dimmed

Under the Exclusive audio accessa mode disabled there’s the Bufferized section with five columns beneath that
On the far left it reads Loading then Buffer 3.3GB Nomral POlarity
beside that column is another titled Processing then another column Upsampling

These are all normally lit - the last two are dimmed - Volume Levelling and Volume Control

I have one ext HD with my 188,000 tracks in one folder

Can you close Audirvāna, try to put the files at the proper locations , open Audirvāna and try again to play a track?

Same problem - removed the old PrivHelp andf LaunDem A origin files and replaced - rebooted PC

A started and unusually rescanned my music folder then I got opo up message “Y system has run out of app memory” then I got the by now VERY familiar pop up
“Sus Op Error - COuldnt communicate with helper app”

Now my pc is frozen with these two messages

This is insane .How can an app be so awful from the very beginning?

Ain’t those files for Mac not PC…

yup, I meant MAC as Personal Comp

Try to go in the settings
in system optimizer gear wheel just up there, try to UNcheck time machine preference if it is on, restart mac, audirvana, click a song and see…

SysmOpt Errro

There was an error executing SysOptimizer. Not all optimizations may be done.

Error = The operation couldn’t be completed. (CFErrorDomainLaunchd error 2.)

Have quit A origin- restarted Mac but got same message when I tried to install Optimizer

Time machine switched off and has been throughout this ordeal

I don’t understand what you say in this sentence? You removed the LaunchDaemons and PrivilegedHelperTools folders?

no removed the A files in the two folders