No composer displayed when multiple present on album

I’ve noticed that no composer information is displayed in the second line under the icon in ‘Albums’ view for any album I have featuring works from multiple composers. For instance, I have an album with both the Mendelssohn and Schumann violin concertos, and neither Mendelssohn nor Schumann show under the icon, even though the correct composer information is listed under the individual tracks on the album when I view their metadata. Also, I have my albums sorted by genre then composer, but those albums with multiple composers don’t sort correctly. I can hack around both problems by assigning one composer to ALL the tracks on the album, but this is less than ideal. Ideally, I guess I’d like to see the icon twice in Albums view—in this instance, once under the M’s, and once under the S’s. Is there a better solution? I’m running Version 3.1.7