No more Audirvana Favorites refreshed from Qobuz

Raspberry PI Os (2024-03-15 (Bookworm, 15 mars 2024)
Audirvana Studio
1- Qobuz Favorites are no more updated in Audirvana Favorites (if I add a favorite in Qobuz app , stop Audirvana Remote and relaunch it, Audirvana Favorites are not updated with the new favorite).
2- If I disconnect from Qobuz in Audirvana Studio and reconnect, there is no more favorites in Audirvana Favorites (empty list of favorites)
It seems that Audirvana Favorites are no more refreshed from Qobuz.

(continued…) If now I connect from my MacBook Pro, I can see all the Qobuz Favorites in Audirvana MyMusic (everything is OK) and (surprise !) if I connect back on the Raspberry then Qobuz Favorites are now correctly displayed in Audirvana Favorites.
Strange behaviour.