No reaction of Studio after bringinmg iMac to sleep mode


Audirvana Studio 1.12.2 plays fine on my iMac 2019 with macOS 12.3. But when I bring the iMac to sleep mode without closing Audirvana in advance it will not react, when iMac is activated again. I have to shut down Audirvana and start it again.

Is there a solution for this? Usually I do not close apps before bringing the computer to sleep mode. It is annoying that Audirvana obviosly does not tolerate this.


Hello @Orgelfreund,

Do you mean that after your Mac woke up, you couldn’t do anyhting in Audirvāna Studio?

That was exactly the case. But unfortunately – or luckily – I cannot reproduce the problem at the moment. Seems that I have to do some more investigation. So thanks for the moment for your concern and interest. As sonn as I can describe the problem with better obervation I shall report.

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