not loading new files

Macbook Pro
Yosemite 10.10.5
A+ 3.2.7
dBpoweramp 16.3

I have been digitizing my CDs to .aiff using CD ripper with dBpoweramp.

Up until about a month ago, all the new files would be recognized & added in A+, but now when I rip a cd, the new file is not being recognized / loaded. If I use Itunes & it rips a CD to .aif then it will appear. i am trying to move away from Itunes & have consistent files in my datebase. I still have about 1/2 of my collection left to rip but want to continue using dBpoweramp & get A+ to recognize those new files. Any suggestions for troubleshooting?

FYI, I do not know what changed. I have not updated dBpoweramp nor the Mac operating system. I can’t remember when I last updated A+, but the only thing I can think of is around the time these files stopped being recognized, A+ crashed & I had to reinstall.


maybe your folder of music is not on auto sync now after thecrash. Go to A+ pref panel… library tab and see if auto is there… or delete your folder with minus sign. Close A+. Reopen it and add the same folder again.

tried deleting the folder for syncing & resetting several times. It is only reading the older files, not any new ones.

Try removing your database from A+ prefs panel, library tab with the - sign. Wait a bit… then you have nothing in your window.

Close A+. Go to your Home Library folder: ~/Library/Application Support/Audirvana
Trash all the files in there (or put them anywhere else if you want to keep them in case)

Restart your Mac, Restart A+. If it doesn’t ask you where is your music folder when starting,
go to the prefs panel and in library tab, hit the + sign and add it… and wait while it loads fully.

Apple hide the Home Folder in User Library at some time depending on OS System… When you have clicked your Home Folder, and cannot see the Library Folder in there, just do a ‘‘cmd J’’ to show the folder settings preferences and see at the bottom… click Show Library Folder and then you’ll have access to the rest forever.

As I mentioned, when ripping through Itunes it updloads, so it isn’t an error with the library folder. through a suggestion on another forum, I deleted dBpoweramp & re-downloaded. The error was there - it was ripping corrupted files.