Offline mode

If I had not been so happy with Audirvana Origin soundwise I would have been desperate because it takes at least 10 minutes until Originshows a message for offline mode which you also have to touch with even more time to elapse before you can push the “play” button.
This procedure I have to go through because I want to play offline.

So my question is when do you present a version which does not force me to undergo this annoyance.


Hi @2CVandme,

Which version of Audirvāna Origin are you using? Is it the Windows or MacOS version.

Hi Antoine,

Thanks for the quick reply. I am using MacOS version 2.4.0


Ok, to summarize what is going on, you disable internet from your Mac, then you open Audirvāna Origin, and you have to wait 10 minutes to have it opened and have the window for offline use, right?

No I don´t hve to disable the internet, as the network I created withe Fritz.Box is unable to contact the internet.
“…then you open Audirvāna Origin, and you have to wait 10 minutes to have it opened and have the window for offline use, right?..” That´s correct.