Organizing my library

I’m new to Audirvana; my trial began a few days ago.

How do I combine tracks that belong in one album but are scattered among multiple versions of the same album?

How do I delete multiple copies of the same song?

How do I move tracks around in a play list to get them in the order I want?

Any suggestions for this software that I would need to install to resolve these problems?

It’s a shame that this process (i.e., adding software to the mix) would even be necessary. I’m been a long-time user of iTunes which easily allowed me to do all of the things I need to do with Audirvana to organize my music files.

Hi @wallking

I listen mostly to albums, classical, half MY LIBRARY ripped from CD through XLD.

FIRST of all it was a pain to do this after ripping but eventually I have managed to rearrange all my metadata to show all albums correctly.

I learned to do a lot in XLD before the rip.

Then, and because I missed a lot before I knew anything, I fixed everything in Audirvana.

It’s time consumming and means sometimes alter metadata in Audirvana, deleting the file from Audirvana and resubmitting the altered file so Audirvana indexes properly.

Double CDs were always a problem, even in digital downloads this has been problematical.

My reading of this forum tells me many people use editors outside of Audirvana but I could never get that to work. Also, this forum tells me that there are many different experiences to mine. So my curating solution I put out there is really suiting me, others may not find it so.

Metadata is not standardised in the industry (very frustrating) and every time I add an album I edit the metadata to suit my self:

Many tracks have a one line of artists, which I seperate.

Genre is usually not to my liking.

Sorting field for all my albums is by composer/first track composer.

Orchestra, conductor, soloists, chamber groups and individual chamber players all are seperated.

It’s all done now with each album added, as I said before, but it took weeks to get it right for my albums. YES, I now have four backup seperate hard discs all backed up by hand.

Yes, I know. Who has the time? I do.



Checkout Kid3 for editing metadata. Very powerful and free.

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I also have manny/mostly classical albums on CDs.

When I display by album in Audivana Origin, I find the only way I can display with a single entry as opposed to one for each track artist is to force all the metadata for the disc to have the same track artist for all tracks.

This is best done before ripping in XLD by using its Edit Metadata feature. Right click a field to sett all tracks to the same value.

It’s my one disappointment with AO. On a shelf I see one CD per album; I want to see one entry per album in AO, even when there are different performers for each track.

Can you send a screenshot of what you see in Audirvāna Origin?

This is typical, and I am only sorting on album title so would have expected a single entry.

Are you able to check the metadata of those albums in the desktop app?

Yes: they all have the same album name, and different track names (as expected). They have different track artists, which is correct. If I force the track artists all to be the same then there is only a single album shown.

I’m sure you’ve already checked this, but is the album DISC tag correct for all tracks, ie 1/1

Checked and yes it is.

I sent you a private message so I can check your Audirvāna database file :wink:

Thank you. Everything sent. hope it all arrived. I had set up a separate installation with 1 CD ripped to make it easier to diagnose (I hope)

I may be late to the party, but what I have found is that when you have a single “album” with multiple “artists”, you need to use a single entry in the “Album Artist” category.
I use the program META to edit my metadata.
In the example below, I have a CD of GENESIS songs done by different artists. If I put individual names in the “Album Artist” category, I get a bunch of CD’s with the same “Album” title, but split into the individual “Artists”. If I use “Various Artists”, it combines it to ONE CD. I guess instead of “Various Artists” I could enter “Genesis” and then this CD would end up in the Genesis group instead of Various Artist’s group.
This is a paid app but for the minimal price, I find it very useful. I just wish there was a “Standard” for Metadata that every program would follow.
Also, when there are multiple CD’s in the package, I place a number before the “tack number” in the “File Name” and place all files into one folder as apposed to having CD1, CD2, etc. Not sure if this really matters but it works for me.